So, I embarked on a light evenings degreasing and tinkering only to discover that the threads on the non-drive side crank arm of my bike are stripped, rendering my crank puller completely useless.
I have resigned myself to the crank being a write off, but despite my clumsiest efforts to prise the arm off and a cautious ride up the nearest hill with the crank bolt unthreaded, it is not budging at all.
Anyone got any words of wisdom or unexpected techniques to impart before I break out the workmate and a hacksaw?
TCR's secret file storage place is a good call Hammo, there are loads of amazing covert spots like that all over the city. Although by definition, I suppose 'secret London' doesn't lend itself all that well to high profile landmarks!
I found out that one of the hills near my house isn't a hill at all, but a Victorian underground reservoir...will dig out a book called Underground London that was filled with references in this vein...
Loving the idea of this one...the theme almost seems like a natural extension of how much more you discover of a city when you are on a bike
Continuing the theme of red-rides; time to break cover with bike number two...
The frame is too small, its missing a brake, I built the wheels myself (just waiting for a catastrophic failure) and the rest is assembled from the cheapest stuff I could lay my itchy ebay trigger fingers on....none the less, happy days!
And me...I'll be looking forward to another chance to run amok in the streets of London. the Oz night ride was great - good peoples, good route and felt brilliant riding in a pack. Props to Dog's for organising and for keeping the momentum going with this one...
- velocity boy
- Sparky (also in top-hat me thinks...)
- hael(yes 3rd :D)
- Object
f4. photoben
Mod(3+4i) Tommy - Cornelius Blackfoot
- Me
- tomasito
86(gi). Skullhead - JOL
12.PeterD. ill bring weedio camera
Unlucky No 13: onemagiru
also 13 chris crash (should be back)
31turm - Todd
- Superprecise
- andyf
- Build
- MA3K (only if it is a night ride)
- Lucky7 (have no idea what number is next!!!)
(No. of people above)+1. Velocipede
3.14159265358979323846… Van Damage
23.7 stevo_com (Aaron)
1.6180339887 ADS (Alex)
erm +another1. Villa-Ru
#? Sammy Dodger
- velocity boy
After a very wobbly ride home with Aidan (apologies to Bobob, forgot you were heading to C-well), two bacon sarnies and a kip on the sofa, I've made it to the computer to impart thanks and big-ups to the South London mans dem...cracking night and good to put real life names and faces to the virtual ones. Aidan, hope you made it back to Bronxley alright from the H.O.P.
Night night.