sorry bread, don't actually know anyone there, my mate just thought it'll be good to go there?????????
and yeah, it will be good to meet this bunch[/quote]
there's a small LBS on the main street, giant stockists really but they do all the essential maintenance that anyone may need...
have a good one though
31trum damn, just been told it's a mates birthday tomorrow, believe it or not going to Maidenhead of all places....not sure who said they were moving there. i'll keep an eye out for fixies tho.
also not sure what state i'll be in on sunday...so count me out, unless i'm well. and just find out were everyone is.Yeah, that'll be me! I'm moving on the 19th... great job, but I still can't believe it... always disliked that small town boy racer chav attitude. So if your mates know about any fixed gear riders around then I'd really appreciate a heads up.
Love to meet you guys, but I'm heading out with some pals over the weekend, If i'm around though I may head over to the meeting point to say Hi
South west of france is one of my favourite areas, Bordeaux is a great city and the Vendee is just beautiful
If you have the time, cross the pyrennees (only a little part) and head for San Sebastian in Spain, it's the most stunning city you'll find. Almost 270 degree crescent beach in the centre of town, great bars! beautiful girls!
I'm not a surfer, but buffalo bill's right, you'll be spoiled by the roads
Jos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWnff376PEI
Now that's ultimate SF fixed gear racing!
Went to Lombard st. few months ago, doing the tourist thing with the girlfriend (on foot!)... there were loads of tourists walking in singlefile down the steps at the sides, taking photo's etc etc... I ran down the middle with my arms out like an aeroplane making stupidly OTT banked turns when people started yelling at me to get off the road!!! What the f*@k!!!!!!!!!!!
What else was I supposed to do? It was a beautiful hot afternoon...
slamm Hmm, sounds like another good option worth considering.
Won't be able to get anywhere 'til the weekend probably but can't wait to get 'em built up (white Deep V's / pink Phil Woods)Oooh, Maidenhead… does ANYTHING happen there? :-P
White deep V's on Pink phil woods - whoa! What colour's the frame etc
Bet you're just longin' for those hot summer days!!
Maidenhead - don't know yet!
Anyone out there know what this town has in store? Been in London 14 years now, gonna be a shock!
I think this site is beginning to take on a feel of its own... which is only a good thing.
So far I think it has brought together lots of riders, and it's great to read about the local london based events and styles...
I went to San Francisco for a while last september, they have a great style of riding, but it's different cause the cities different.
Living in clapham north, previously balham/tooting for long time and before north side of the river...
Unfortunately!!!!!! cause of work, new job, I am moving to Maidenhead (what the ???) just as the bike sites are really starting to bring together some nice like minded people... I'm moving away... don't know about fixed gear riders in Maidenhead... I'm hoping to find some (any!)
I have to admit, I had my wheels (open pro/dura ace) built at Stratton Cycles in Wandsworth, and I can't fault the service! They are really nice guys, very friendly and too eager to help! A couple of old pro bike builders in charge there. They actually only charged me for the parts, threw in the labour for free!!!
They told me it used to be the original Claud Butler shop from the 20's and has been a bike shop since - bit of history for you there (hope it's true)
My last bike got stolen on christmas day!!! My friends said they thought they saw a fat guy in a red suit taking it...
He's supposed to bring you gifts if you've been a good kid, only wish that I could remember what I did wrong for him to start taking my stuff.
Next year I'm going to stay up and wait for him!!!Great video, should've spray painted that sign on him though.
The blurred out thief has things soo wrong, I'm not rich/daddy doesn't buy me jack/not insured etc... I work hard to be able to spend what I've got on a nice set of wheels... someone needs to open a secure parking bike lot, where for £1 eg., you can leave your bike all day - just a thought!
Thought I'd start a new thread for all of you to post up any things you've seen lately , funny, nice bike etc etc...
Couple of days ago I was heading down Union road, clapham north when I saw a guy on a white Genesis flyer really really hammering it... he was quickly headed off by some tool in a transit van... the driver (ross kemp look-a-like) jumped out and ran around the front to stop him.
The guy on the bike was now off his bike and running as fast as he could... then I heard van man shouting ' who you f**kin' spitting at' and started chasing him on foot...
I didn't see what happenned next as they went round the corner and I was left choking from laughing so hard!!!!!
Does anyone know who the guy on the bike was? was it you?? did you get away OK and what did you do to piss him off so much?
I was guessing you spat through his open window or something...
Either way - that was funny!
glow [quote]breadnbikes breadnbikes ?!!!
I'm a baker... these are the two things I like best... Midnight rides thru london on the way to work - doesn't get better
Long time bike rider, new to this forum. Looks like you guys have a nice thing going here
where's the bakery?[/quote]
Work for a couple of restaurants in centre of town...
RPM - great hat... whats the link for that ...
Support your local quality baker! I may have an invested interest though...