Alex [quote]31trum and those other pricks riding around in hi-vis waistcoats pretending to be road workers
People in hi-vis coats probably did not get any dates in high school. Dating was not safe...[/quote]
yesterday i saw a womaen on a hybrid with disc breaks, wearing a helmet with a light on the front and back, one of those darth vader masks, a hi vis jacket, full finger gloves, trousers with reflective stripes,a nd held up with reflective straps, both lights on rideing on the side walk.
lpg i hate the way all da kids are talking with faux-american accents. Got on the bus yesterday only to find myself on the top deck surrounded by pre pubescent marylebone schoolgirls. I thought i'd walked onto the set of the OC.
i hate my yankeeeee accent, i dont know why people would want to fake it and sound like the stupid hick i know i am.
when their blood was diluted enough that their skin and eyes turned brown.
i dont know, some freinds of mine from American Indian Movemnt used to make shirts that said 'if your white go back' and generaly thats how i feel, but the old ire wont take me back cuz my grandmother denounced her citizen ship.