- FIX PUSH[/ame] -
if it's a quill stem, first unscrew the bolt a little bit ,check if it's moving up and down, then if it's not (should be up) hammer it down, then lubricate and try to move the stem sideways, once that happens you're nearly there, if the problem perstsists, then put the frame upside down pour coca cola in there and let it soak overnight, that shold melt the rust and your problems.
good luck -
crack Is Whack Motherfucker, Lay Off The Pipe Man!
Witcomb, Mercian, Jackson, Roberts, Hall, Bt... Should I Keep Going?
It Just Means The Builder And Frame Meet Japanese Racing Strength Standards And Usually, Because Most Keirin Frames We Get In The West Are Used, That They Now Fail Them And Are Unfit To Be Raced In Japan. They Tend To Have Ridiculously Thin Tubes And Break Like Motherfuckers. Stick With Euro Frames If You Want My Opinion. Guidos And Limeys Fer Life.
Fuckin Aye!!!!
besides, i disagree with people that bully langster owners, i had one for a few months, and i don't think there is anything wrong with them,beside the fact that they don't look that great, they're value for money, nicely built and on and on.Like it or not fixies are a trend and you would be a fool if you were to think that a company such as Specialized would just let it slide by and do nowt about it. What these guys are doing is just exactly what topshop has done to clothing. is a bit like an ugly girl getting dolled up for a night out, what counts is the efforts innit? Finally i'd rather see people ride Langsters than drive cars, wouldn't you?