ssk I got doored by a van in moving traffic a couple weeks ago. Nasty bruises and ugly road burn, but not bad considering and no real bike damage, just a smashed phone. I was expecting him to be a prime A-hole and was about to hurl abuse at him, but he was so shaken up and apologetic that I couldn't bring myself to do it. He gave me a ride home and me 100quid (far more than it was worth) for a new phone, and made sure I had his home address/mobile and license.
I was completely shocked that he was so sincerely apologetic and helpful... especially for a guy in a white van ; )
I suppose being a girl doesn't hurt in these situations.
yeah im sure if it was a man, he would of probably hit them with the door again........maybe he wanted more for his money!!!
Oh, and I got into cycling as an early teenager when my dad said if I wanted a lift anywhere I would have to do housework to 'earn' a lift. Fuck that! So I got on my bike.[/quote]
haa thats good
my dad was big into riding when i was a kid, he used to ride all the time especialy for charity rides my family used to hold. i remember he had a custom ron cooper....(i wounder if hes still got it?) he used to take me and my brothers on rides all around hampshire which was cool. and then i started riding bmx's for a good few years, my dk six pack got stolen by some pikies and thats where my riding ended........untill i moved to london seven months ago, i bought a haro mountain bike with huge triple clamps and thats what gets me around at the mo. im in the process of getting my fixie, i first learnt about fix wheel when i was in the hob in brixton, one of my sisters mates had a 06 langster which i loved....and no here i am trying to learn the ins and outs. every time a bike goes past me i always check if its fixed of not, when it is im happy
its made by the wilson brothers http://www.wilsonbrothers.co.uk for nike! its in the new grafik magazine but i couldnt be bothered to scan it...
cheers brick,i saw the artical on drop plates on sheldon's site,im more sure then ever that i'm going to convert to fixwheel,i was riding to uni today got to a junction,when the lights went green pushed off and the chain got caught nearly throwing mr over the bars at the same time i hit my knee of my forks or headset and now it aint working!! fucking gears!!
nice we have cheerleaders, a photographer and a tea lady!