Having started with a Langster straight off the peg (which I love), I'll be looking to build my own fixie next. Only problem is, I've already started buiding a geared bike and at the pace I'm going with my budget it's likely to be a long time coming. Or maybe I should just have 2 builds on the go at the same time...
The fortunate thing was that central London ie the part with the most red lights was over and done with by 10am on a Sunday, so there really wasn't that much traffic around anyway. Made the lights issue easier.
I'd say in this case directions might be more of an issue than last time, but I'm more than happy to do a bit of preparation on that. -
You probably don't want a map of the exact route we took!!!
The one we were generally aiming for was something like this though:
dicki/lpg - I can't believe you rode back - I was pretty much ready to collapse when we arrived! I think I can safely say that 80 miles in a day is my limit.
Felt better after the beer tho. Great day out, nice to meet everyone, and nice to accomplish something of that stature. Next time I WILL make the Beacon!! -
BMX then mountain bike from ages 4-18, practically lived on my bike. Then about an 8 year hiatus whilst I went to uni, overindulged in everything and generally rebelled against excersise in favour of hedonism. By the time I was 26 I realised I was fat and hated spending 2 hours on the tube every day. Was eventually convinced by a mate at work to buy a bike again and start commuting, which I loved. Eventually became frustrated by constant gear/drivetrain issues on the slicked MTB I was using, and after a bit of research treated myself to a SS last October. Loved that completely and it made a huge difference to my fitness almost immediately. Following that, after a barrage of advice from mates and forums, switched it to fixed about 6 weeks ago and love it even more.
I used to get pissed off with people drafting me, but I don't really mind it now. Towed a roadie up Highgate West on wednesday evening, and whilst he was thankful for that, I was pleased that he wanted help off some chump on a fixed, and pleased that I could physically do it. Either that or he thought, "I might as well sit behind this mug...."