I have a different opinion on the "check it every five minutes if you can't see it" thing. Everytime I get a bad feeling about my bike I purposefully don't go and look at it. Becasue if it has been nicked then I might as well enjoy the rest of what I am up to before discovering the fact.
Unless you are going to check so often that you'll catch the toerags in action. Which would literally be every other minute. If you're up and down that often is it worth being wherever you are?
I agree with David, in principal, but think that insurance is just too damn expensive. Of course, if I had his Serotta...
Hmmm, I was going to leave both wheels in and not put the bike ina bag. I read some advice on another site which suggested that being able to roll the bike makes the baggage handlers happy and less likely to throw it around. Seemed to make sense to me...
Now I don't know what to do. Has anyone here had experience with flying a bike as described above, without a box / bag?
Great photos, making me jealous. Employment can be a right royal pain in the arse when it comes to trips like that.
So, what's the story with the brightest bike in the world? It reminds me of my army surplus fire jacket. it loves the flashlight...
Cheers Tommo, reckon I'll roll into a hardware store near me and see if they do the same thing. But, knowing where I live it'll probably be twice the bleedin' price!
My plan at the moment is to take off the chain and cranks & pedals, put pipe insulation round all the tubes and stays, then a layer of bubble wrap around the lot. I can't decide whether taking the handlebars off is necessary or not, i think not.
I think I will be flying with Virgin. Ones the flights are confirmed I'll ring them upa nd try to get a written statement on how much it will cost and what I have to do.
From what I've been reading, as long as I remove pedals, chain and maybe handle bars and wrap all of the frame in bubble wrap then I'll be good to go.
Only problem then is how to get it to / from the airports. I could probably cycle to heathrow but given this is my first time in New York, i ain't gonna cycle with full lugage from Newark to Manhattan! Wonder if a taxi will take it, if i take the wheels off.
I'm getting kinda excited about having my own wheels over there now. Hope this pans out...
Does anyone know anythign about hiring fixies? I can't think of anywhere in London that does it.
I am probably going to New York with work and really want to spin around on a fixed. Don't think my employers will pay for me to fly my Condor over there and I think it'd be cheaper to hire one when I'm there.
If not, I suppose I'll just have to hire a crappy hybrid with a rusty chain. Oh god, the pain.
This is doing my head in, another cool sounding ride (and I LOVE roller coasters) which I can't make.
On the other hand, the reason I can't is coz i will be on the train / ferry on my way here. Not all bad news :-)
Not the snug fitting swimming attire that all true alpha males wear, but more the cycle computer variety.
When I got my Pista I decided not to move my computer over from my road bike. It just didn't seem to go too well with the simple lines and looks of the fixed wheel.
But, now as my legs have learnt to spin ever faster I am eager to know just how fast I can go and what my top cadence is.
What do you all reckon? Are speedo's fair game or should I learn to count leg revolutions using some form of spectroscopic blinking technique?
In actual fact, as I write this I am realising how silly this sounds. Am I just a bloody fashion victim?
I am so fucking bummed about the DD this year. I had been planning to do it since about xmas and drummed up quite a lot of mates to do it as well. Then, stupid bloody friends of mine decide to get married in Cambridge on the day of the ride.
I am still wondering if getting pissed at the wedding and then trying to ride from Cambridge to Dunwich, hoping to intersect you lot is possible. I think it may be, but not advisable....
In case anyone noticed me, I was on a black / white Pista with white bars. When the helmet wasn't on, I could be seen sporting a shiny new Travis Bickle mohawk (bit longer than his to be honest).
Hopefully spotting each other will be easier if these spoke cards ever come to pass.
Or, even forbid, I could post a photo of me, instead of just my bike...
Yeah, it was great to meet you all and shoot the breeze. Can't wait till Saturday to hook up again and rule the bridges.
David, whisper me the FTP details and I'll try to sort out the Cornelius album.