Bikes in punts, that sounds like a grand idea.
And of course the rollers, it's not the same otherwise. But, once over the roller's, the draw to Grantchester becomes strong and before you know it, you're fucked on cider and about 3 hours away from Cambridge. In fact, not sure now why I started that sentence with a 'but'.
hippy It's only good for freelocking right? It wont go around wheel, frame AND pole will it?
Check Sheldon on this, he points out that you only need to go round the rim and and round a pole, as long as the bit of rim you choose is in the rear triangle. It means you can't get the wheel out of the frame, without cutting the lock or the rim. Which is basically what locking the wheel to the frame is.
I rode from Elsenham to Cambridge a few months back with a novice cyclist friend. We got the train to Elsenham and went on from there, a lovely route through country and villages.
I think it would be nice to head out of London on the A1010 and then go through the quiet fens.
But, as for the rest of this summer so far, I have very little free time at weekends :-( This saturday would work for me...
I find that backing off the chain tension a bit can help. And second all the good comments on cleaning and lubing. Particulalrly in this bloody weather.
Get inside, get some beer, put the tour on itv4 and then get cleaning that chain. Mmmmmm, bliss. Paraffin is for wusses. Use a cue tip and soap made from coal tar.
(some of the above is bad advice)