Dunno really. I've always been able to crack all my joints, including my knees if I knealt down and then sort of rolled forward onto them. I'm also double jointed here and there, and generally mutated - maybe your popping skills have always been there, dormant, waiting...
Perhaps you should just try a 3 or 4 week rest period and see what happens. I find deadlifts have more potential to stress my knees, or aggravate bike-related niggles, but maybe I'm just hyper-vigilant about form with squats. Are you bouncing out of the hole or creating otherwise unwanted shearing forces in your knees? Are you doing warm-up sets with just the bar, through to target weight? Have you changed the footwear you use? Are you stretching, particularly hip flexors, hamstrings, quads, and ITB? Have you upped the weight too quickly? Are you maintaining weight through your heel when lifting? So many questions...
Yeah i've laid off the squats for a month or so and the pulsing pain has gone away. I was bouncing out of the hole and really trying to push myself, and i'm sure my form suffered. Is it wrong to bounce out? I go all the way down (hamstrings to ankles). As I was coming up a few times my knees were wobbling left and right. I attribute my incorrect form to lack of core strength, I can't 'push' against enough as i'm rising out of it so I think it did something to my left knee, maybe tracked too far forward past the toes. I am generally quite fussy about warm ups and tend to go for plenty of reps with just the bar, and work up. Stretching i'm working on, my hammy flexibility was rubbish but I can place 4 fingers on the floor now so that's improved
I just did a few BW squats now and the crunching only happens when I go way past parallel, as far as I can go and sort of bounce a bit. Not sure what this means - it gets a lot louder with weight on it. I also take cod liver oil which seems to do some good with a niggling shoulder issue I have.
I find deadlifts a lot easier on the knees joints in general, for me there seems to be more leeway if form isn't quite right than with a squat. I was thinking of incorporating front squats, do you find it easier on your body, particularly the knees? I've not done them because my quads are already fairly developed from cycling, it was my hammies that were lagging behind, there was some catch-up needed!
Does anyone else's knee crunch? Mine sounds similar (not as bad) as this
It's not related to cycling and I don't feel pain, but i'm a little worried it could develop in to something worse. I only hear it in my right knee and only when I squat below parallel. It gets louder if I squat with any heavy weight on my back. I haven't done any squats in a month or so, stuck to deadlifts instead (easier on knees), partly cos of the crunch but also because I had this odd pulsing feeling in my left knee, it would come for about 10 seconds, then disappear for a minute, then reappear. Wasn't especially painful just a bit off-putting. Angle or positoning didn't affect it, the pain was still there and regular.
Not sure if it's relevant but since progressing in my squats i've suddenly had the ability to 'pop' my knees - like a knuckle crack - I twist my ankle and rotate my right foot so i'm trying to lower the left side of my foot and raise the right side. I can also do it when standing up, planting both feet and sort of twisting each knee. Bad idea?
Aw shit really? There's a good chance they won't come? How sad :(
I was never into flexibility as a kid, I could barely touch my toes my whole life until recently. Do you mean something like this?
Yoga vinyasa jumping from Down Dog - YouTube
That is impressive as fuck. My core strength has improved a lot, squats, full cleans and olympic lifts in general are fantastic and work it like nothing else, but i'd love to improve flexibility would love to be able to do what that girl does. Ah well just gotta keep on truckin! I'll report back if I achieve my splits goal :)
Hi guys - I haven't a clue about headphones but i'm on a quest to buy some for my Dad as a birthday present. Budget is £100. Can anyone recommend some good ones? Preferably available in a shop in London somewhere! I've read the thread but can't seem to find the elusive comprehensive list.