Have you made a rack for the surf board yet or are you goin to do the xtracycle thing? I have seen some pics with guys with surf boards on xtracyles. Cross winds may be hard. I have done a surfing trip through France camping with two mates but we drove (three weeks like you). I would be cautious about trying to get to the south of France and surf in three weeks though. Have you considered hiring your surf boards? I know they tend to be crap boards but it may be easier then lugging your boards all that way on a bike and trying to do a surfing trip in three weeks. Dose sound like a wicked trip though. Chance to combine two fun sports.
I have been had before. I did not realise I was being chased though. I jumped soem lights near Bank last summer and was spotted by a copper. I got to st pauls and there was a real jam built up that I could not get through. i am not mad about riding on pavements plus I was in no rush I just chilled out for a bit about 20 seconds later I hear this yelling "oi you on the bike!" thinking some one is about to try and beat me up start shitting my self but trying to look cool and confident I turn around and bam this police man whips round and stops in front of me on his bike. I felt so gutted he was very out of breath and I had been waiting for some time at this jam chilling. Moral of the story, if you jump a traffic light don't chill too close by.
A month or so ago I was heading along the A13 just east of the Balckwall tunneljunction came round the corneron to the bus lane felt a massive bump and then crack. I had road over a bottle that some dirty bastard had left in the road. Middle of east London 12:30 in the morning quite pissed, pissed off and hving to fix a puncture. Punctures suck. Too many people in this city are dirty barstards.
This happend about one year ago and I have a nice purple scar now.
I did have some photos taken when I hung up on a spine ramp in Bristol when I was 16 but I have lost them. It was well impressive compleatly wrecked one side of my face and kept on passing out.
My mate had the best when he crashed on some dirt jumps about half a km from a small contry road, snaped his forarm. I mean snapped, both bones sicking out of his arm, he has a scar down nearly the compleate length of his foarm. I missed it but aparently only one other person was with him and they just had to flag down some random catr who drove them about 18 miles to the hospital. This was pre mobile phones and all that.
Perry cycles in Woolwhich.
I have never tried him for fixed gear stuff but the governer of this place is like an encyclopedia for every thing else I have thrown at him, really helpful nice bloke. Will order in stuff at dam good prices. Pritty much equals most internet places when you add on p&p. They even have their own rang of bikes. I bet he will build good wheels David just a bit of a way for you to go from west London.
there's a bucket load of shit for the mtb guys, cos they spend money like water, and some well established places for BMX.
Yeah I would ride my mbt all over the place as a teenager but unless you where rich it was hard to compeate with all of expesive bikes. MBTing is great fun but has far too many bike snobs, I like to ride hard but can't afford to brake a £2000 bike. BMX baby! £250 may not get you the best bike it will get you one that is tough as nails.
I hope fixedgear does not have to go through the crash that BMX went through to get it where it is today. I don't think it will though as there are already alot of rider owned compaies out there shaping the scene.
fixedwheelnut That sounds like a good place.
Plus there is a good hill up to the common.
Plus there are loads of ladies of the night on the common.
I would be well up for that as it would be refreshing for me not to have to cycle for 1 hour after drinking. Some time after easter would be good for me.
Thanks for the input.
i was ab it confused on the onone website, one part says made for 120 mm rear hub the next be goes on about road and mbt 130 and 135 mm hubs and 47.f mm chainlines!
I would love to go to the jumble at Hern Hill. It is so anoying after a winter of no events it seems just I startbeing silly bussy all the rides and jumbble start to happen. Grrr!
Well yesterday I striped my left hand crank pedal threads so I am looking at new cranks. I couldjust go out and buy a new set of cheap road cranks but I would like to take this opertunity to upgrade to a proper single speed crank. Does anyone have any input on the Singo RD messenger cranks
http://www.hubjub.co.uk/sugino/sugino.htmyes they are not purfect but £60 including a b.b is not bad.
Any other sugestions for a cheap crank setup.
Good luck. I would be interested to hear how the trip gose and to see any pictures so please post a mini blog or or something. I have had a design in my head for a method of toeing my BMX (frount wheel removed style) and have been playing with the idea of doing a tour for a week or so this summer camping and taking in a few skate parks accros the south of the U.K. I like the idea of using a bike as the means of transport for another sport.( I know a BMX is a bike as well but not one to tour on.)