Lots of talk on yachting forums about lifting keel being up and choice of mast material , titanium being mentioned as preferable. Aluminium is ok for a cheap bike frame and cola cans but 75m mast ?
Elderly lady apperently, stayed at the scene , doesn't look like project blue beam or some engineered freak weather event or earthquake manipulation unfortunately
Well they're not supposed to have them open this time of year for exactly that reason, just found one in my shower room and accidentally drowned it in the missed piss, giant spider crabs maybe have some expensive 🫰 tea last night possibly
Cambridge is a mysterious place it seems, often wondered about the lady chapel in Ely. The mast was 75m and the boat is 50m down, interesting that it didn't pole vault?
I'm having to get off my bike and walk lately , can't be bothered to test but I've had a cough and some other symptoms, I recon I've caught it multiple times so far this year , a close relative tested positive.
I think the mast rigging from the snapped part contributed considerably in weighting the hull and unbalanced it considerably