As in the title. Basically a whole bike barring the wheelset and cables (may be a couple extra bits needed)
Picked all of this up from here for free, but in 3/4 different rendezvous.The frame came with a big disclaimer of liability given it's used carbon and the same would apply here (https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/387823/#comment17033229).
See pics for a couple of areas where the lacquer/paint is flaking.AFAIK all groupset components are sound but I can't guarantee given I haven't fitted or used any of it.
Eventually come to the realisation that I'm unlikely to build this up so passing it on.
Wouldn't feel right taking any money for it considering I picked it up for free but I think a small forum donation would be appropriate if the collector agrees. £10/20?Collection N16.
Sounds like the 2nd gen one.
I can highly recommend upgrading to the latest one - comes with a remote and a whole new integrated interface that's more like newer smart TVs with iPlayer, netflix etc all integrated.Way less buggy and I think someone just posted that you can get a 4k one for £30ish quid, same price as a normal one.
Somebody ain't been using the granny gears #gosteeper
Edit: soz for givin ya some shit, just felt right since everyone else is singing songs of praise 😂😂Enjoyed the late night read and posts of epic bike rides. Thnx for the pedals n peace out ✌🏻
@PhiljimPott I reckon you'd put £250 back on the price by spending an afternoon with some T Cut, Brasso, GT85 and a bag full of rags. Therapeutic too, no doubt
Immaculate 2017ish rim brake fratello with brooks saddle, 55cm, blue. £300
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326205597877?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=YYxClEPOSIq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=T7m36OuJSBy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY -
25.4mm clamp/22.2mm ends?
Would be interested if @JCtotheL passes