So, cleverly hidden behind that bell is a stem adapter, which looks pretty fugly and doesn't allow super high stem position. I could get a goose neck stem but most of the ones I see are fugly too. I'm thinking threadless is the way to go long term.
Now the decision tree is to either a) get a £30 fork from sjs, b) get a nice thorn fork off ebay, or c) wait for a bargain thorn frame because that kinda seems where the vibes are leading me. These options are in ascending order of money and commitment. I always get off on the idea of 'worl tour ready' or 'just doesn't break' bikes so thorn has been on my mind.
The canti studs will have to go, and I hope either the centerpulls or the long tektros will be good enough. The crown brake mount is threaded on both sides, and the stay bridge in the back is threaded and only on one side, which makes the caliper situation more complicated. I'll hold off drilling for now since I can mount the front centerpull with a threaded bolt.
Stays will have to get crimped for sure, 42c should fit then. I need to find a vice somewhere.
I built up the fixed wheel this morning for this raleigh I bought a while ago. Someone planted alu nipples in my nipple stash. I broke two of those and had to saw off two spokes before I realised something was awry. I suspect the LBS.
Anyhow, I almost got rid of this frame twice before making peace with the fact that I'd just buy another to replace it, so I decided to commit. I feel a distinct lack of horizontal top tube and fixed in my life, this should take care of it. -
I'm injured and bored, so I thought I'd make one of these threads for my bikes and projects. Herein lie 650b conversions, small chainrings, dynamos, silvery bits, steel frames, Jan Heine acolyting, world tour fantasising, and on rare occasions, actual audax riding. I move frequently, so I keep to 3 bikes max: road(+), offroad, and fixed.
See moodboard attached.