I’d strongly recommend the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman, to showcase how powerful corporations and institutions ‘lobby’ politicians and force through legislation in their favour, without care for future impact. Why is it relevant? Because that’s what’s happening now: powerful (read- rich) entities have decided that their best bet to secure political power in the US is to cater to religious conservatives and previously disenfranchised (for good reason) groups, such as racists.
They’ve been chasing after Roe v Wade at the behest of their anti-abortion sponsors for 2.5 generations, and now they’ve delivered so they’ll get even more support.
Trigger warning- discrimination.
Want to know what’s next? IMO: LGBTQI+, starting backwards. Making them taboo in public discourse and education, erasing IQT as concepts, eventually removing equality protections for BGL, potentially even outlawing them.
Women’s rights and people rights to decide on their private sexual lives are going to be a continued battleground because religious fruitcakes are obsessed with controlling what other people do sexually.And all of this to get the population divided and unable to focus on the policies and legislation that rob them blind and increasingly strip their freedoms.
What is it that has happened that has led to this reversal of rights, both here and in the US?
Does it all go back to an event that slowly started this? The economic crisis of the 2000s? The gulf wars?How far back do you want to go? Prez Bush 2 and his group’s corruption and ineptitude leading to an at best misguided ‘war on terror’ that led to a hastened militarisation of US policing. The Bush dynasty and their extended network’s shady dealings and ideology (Prez Bush 1 masterminded the Iran Contra; his dad Prescott Bush was a known white suprematist and political supporter). Reagan and his group’s stupid neoliberal ideology and economics. Nixon and his goddamned southern strategy pitting white working class against black people and foreigners. Ulysses S Grant and his failure as president to rein in the racist southern states he defeated in combat….
As above, 2 tickets to River Town 2022 with the Dead South for Friday 24th June, opening act starts at 6:30pm.
£30 for both tickets, giving you 2x1. We’ve been looking forward to blue grassy Americana music since April, got waylaid and won’t make it, but it promises to be a great show!
Here’s one of their songs
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1MevYCdn5S8 -
Wow. I figured a cleaner with enough space to submerge 50% of the chainring would suffice, although finding one the correct proportions might be a faff and it would take 2x as long of course.
This 10L would fit that chainring, just not all of it at once. I expect you have different user requirements to most.
Which means that the UK Gov are … in-breach of their international treaty obligations
You won’t be surprised to hear it, but they don’t really care. It’s been SOP to ignore laws and treaties that get in the way for at least 12 years, in fact govt employees who do are rewarded with career progress instead of punishment.
Oh yeah, however thus far it’s been relatively well defended against in both countries: women can get contraception without their husband’s express permission, gay people can still marry and have sex without being jailed, teens can express non-hetero preferences, trans and inter people are slowly being accepted…
Yesterday’s decision shows that the right are willing, able, and working actively to dismantle the cornerstones of modern democratic life. The way things are going, women will lose access to legal contraception, sodomy laws will come back on the books, and the excessive policing power of the state will grow as individual rights and freedoms shrink. This isn’t doomsaying, this is reading the republican playbook and actually believing them.