depends how much people will pay for a basso, lots of folks love an old italian steel road frame but its a niche market so depends, I would say ball park between 500-900 quid depending on where and when you sell it. The full matching peroid correct campag will really help with the price, wheels match too.
@Fgf21 Got a buddy whos got exacly that frame and they are pretty much the only people who did rear brake bridges like that on a lugged frame, the lugs are the same as well, should say on the bottom bracket or at least a frame number that will relay to a dawes
@Fgf21 Got a buddy whos got exacly that frame and they are pretty much the only people who did rear brake bridges like that on a lugged frame, the lugs are the same as well, should say on the bottom bracket or at least a frame number that will relay to a dawes
Colossi low pro? May well have been me if so but mines more purple thank Blue