Lost my mask commuting home today, dropped it at some point between coffe and office.
Had to pop into Tesco for dinner, no mask no problem they sell them, and was questioned at the door.. do you have a mask, no I need to buy one assuming they’d be right at the front because common sense.
Preceded to be directed half way down the store to the medical aisle where they are.
At this point I’m in the bloody store walking past everyone maskless. Why are they not at the bloody entrance?!
Am I the idiot here?
DPD Driver today has decided to…
Chap my door questioning if I stole the parcel they lost, proceeded to chap my neighbours door Ams also question them if they had taken it.
DPD driver has then decided to call my personal mobile number at first pretending to be his boss until he slipped up and made it clear he wasn’t and has now promised his actual boss is calling me later.
I wonder how I can speak to an actual employee, not whoever is pretending to be his boss next and get this solved.
Wonder how many policies have been broken and how he got my personal number.
People here have a very good knowledge on lots of things, including covid, houses, bikes obviously, legal things, Brexit.
They also tend to have a great way of putting it across. Seems as good a place as any to learn to be honest.
The knowledge from Yukirin alone will n the past day on infection rates from vaccinated people alone was worth it.
So my questions are worth exploring but I’m trolling.
I genuinely believed this place was for discussion not to be shot down and name called. Guess I see why a long standing decent member completely deleted recently.
But I guess the human rights in questions are freedom to life, not to be excluded from anything because of your freedom of choices and freedom to choice, the choice to be vaccinated or not.
Again freedom of life as mentioned elsewhere works for both sides of the fence on passports, I’m entitled to not be killed by your choices and I’m entitled to a life whilst I also choose my fate.
“Hey sir, you need a mask to enter one unless you are exempt”