Totally agree. Although £120M of evidence last year that people were still buying, somewhere.
We must also agree it's ok for someone to ask if a voucher can be sold on at face-value and it's kind of hypocritical for a poster to say "to offer it at a small discount as is normal on here" having very recently done the exact opposite.
Or not having kids at all.
I had two kids at the Bright Horizons in London Bridge and it was £3,800 per month which included the 10% sibling discount for baby 2. At the time my wife was bringing home £2,200 after tax and the quality of childcare was a total corporate box-ticking malaise. Every day we questioned the sanity of it.
Obviously she could have given up her job that she loved and been a full-time Mum for 6 years whilst both kids got through early years and into school but ultimately chose not to as she wanted to be economically productive and not put a huge hole into her career, and we were fortunate enough that I could close the gap with my salary.
We were obvs lucky but it's a terrible set of choice for the majority of families, women being almost exclusively affected by it.
It's telling I guess... The amount of people on my LinkedIn feed spouting nonsense and penning open letters to the Chancellor about the negative effects of any abolition of business asset disposal relief will have on the 'entrepreneur economy' of the UK is making me feel sick.
I paraphrase, but it goes something like this:
"Please please Rachel don't be an idiot, we risked everything to start our businesses and become rich and if the govt doesn't allow us to reap the benefits of this by not taxing us on that risky income [even though all our employees that did the work to build this unicorn have paid all their taxes, all the way through, and likely worked for basically fuck all in the early years] then we'll just be absolutely forced to go and live in Dubai (assuming we can come and go freely all time because every knows Dubai is a bit shit). If you do this, you will be ripping the heart out of the entrepreneurial spirit of all UK citizens because nobody anywhere ever starts a business unless they can totally buy three Ferraris. It's not too late to change your mind, you idiot."
Is my view of the world so myopic that I cannot see past my working-class hang-ups or do these people need a fucking reality check?
All the data suggests this is not the case. The global cycling apparel market is about $60B so there's plenty of room for a brand to be 10x the size of Rapha. The growth of MAAP / PNS and the countless other new entrants (relatively speaking) suggests that there is still consumer demand for brands that offer the sort of product they want.
Rapha is in a bit of a mid-life crisis, and it shows. Their desire to be a mass-market something-to-everyone brand has diluted all their brand value. It's all become a bit Uniqlo on wheels.
I'm not sure this is fact.