Old: gates to the new Gilbert and George centre, Heneage Street
https://gilbertandgeorgecentre.org/ -
Changing the subject completely, and I realise this comes up about once a year, but what are the thoughts on going tubeless? I’m going to convert a gravel bike over Christmas so will have most of the stuff, I’m going to put Contis on (as Marathons give me the heebee jeebees in damp or wet weather - two wheel drifting on a commute should be optional) so does that change the answer?
Sculpture by Peter Randall-Page
It was built with a station in mind, but things have changed since it began with the addition of lifts and a gateline… oh, and the trains have an extra carriage.
They also changed the name (again) to Surrey Canal which I find hugely unhelpful as the canal neither exists or is a specific location. Surrey Canal Road gave a much tighter definition.