Legend!! Thank you! Going by the shoe size, the hole is approx. 65 x 30 x 15(?)cm. Do you reckon that’s about right?
My carbon road bike make a cracking sound when I hit it, similar to a (seat clamp) slipping () under a rider’s weight. I was out of the saddle on impact, so not looking forward to inspecting everything carefully today…
I’ll find out who owns the stretch of road to file a report. Thanks everyone!
Thanks @Bezzin and @Mr_Smyth! Tbh I don’t remember exactly how far out it is from the kerb, but I believe on the right-most third of the bus lane (I expect the bus wheels created it). It’s on the side of the street heading from Jasper Road towards the Shell station in the screenshot. It’s deep and most noticeable, the few others towards Jasper Road weren’t a big deal.
Hi folks,
I’d be very thankful if someone who goes by Crystal Palace Park could send me a picture of a pothole I slammed into and nearly decked it. In my recollection the hole is a sizeable (approx) 30 x 20 x 15 cm, large enough to pinch flat both my high pressure road tyres.
IIRC it’s the only one of its size on that stretch of road, in the bus lane, somewhere in the middle, in the area circled below. Sorry I can’t be more precise; my attention was distracted by how close I came to kissing the concrete, and then on fixing a double puncture in the rain.
Called test and trace and they said to ignore it and I didn’t have to isolate.
Did they give you a reason? Or did you mention any issues with the test?
Am I alone in feeling that it’s becoming more and more difficult to identify what’s reality vs. irrationality vs. misinformation vs. satire where politics and covid-related news are concerned?
Eternal thanks to the countless doctors, nurses, researchers and other professionals whose lifetimes of scientifically replicable and medically beneficial work has been attributed to N deities over tens of thousands of years. And the complex societies and logistics chains that made their work possible.
(Didn’t mean to reply to you directly)
More severe effects were exceedingly rare. Out of about 8.7 million vaccinations delivered during the study period, 100 such reports were received by VAERS. They included 29 reports of fever, 21 reports of vomiting, and 10 serious reports of seizure, although in some of these seizure cases, other underlying factors were potentially involved, the CDC team said.
There were only 15 "preliminary reports" of the rare heart condition known as myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart that has also been noted, in rare cases, among teens and young people who've received the COVID vaccine.
Two girls, aged 5 and 6, who'd received the Pfizer vaccine died during the study period. Hause and colleagues noted that both children "had complicated medical histories and were in fragile health before vaccination," and they added that "none of the data suggested a causal association between death and vaccination."
Although pediatric deaths from COVID-19 remain rare, hundreds of American children have died from the illness since the pandemic began.
Heard a comedian suggesting that the Chinese border control covid test might be much more sensitive than LFTs and should be used for unvaxxed folks to get access to non-essential venues, eg, concerts.
Can’t imagine there would be more uptake than with nasal and oral swabs though.