This broke up due to tectonic movements over millennia and have become positioned where they are today.
Current theory says that happened several times. First massive continent, Pangea, broke up and the sections travelled the world before crashing together again. Eventually they separated and formed other super-continents), before breaking apart and so on. Scientists think it’s happened 4 or 5 times (Pangea and Gondwana being 2 of those super continents).
Earth is old, yo.
Correction: Pangaea was the most recent, preceded by Gondwana or something...
You mean taken by the devil in the sense of possession? Not that I can see myself needing to use that but how would I even write it?
‘To know’ is used in the Bible to say that someone shagged someone else: ‘And that eve, Cameron knew the pig head’, for example. I realise now that ‘to know someone in the biblical sense’ may not be that popular a phrase outside Christian circles.
Regarding the use of ‘tomar’ to mean ‘possess’: If your partner of choice were to say to you ‘¡Quiero que me poseas!’, or ‘¡Tómame!’, then you’re doing something right and they want you to possess them, in the biblical sense, with urgency. The former, poseer, is less commonly used than the latter, tomar, in this context, but it’s still valid.
In terms of devilry, possessed is used. ‘Estar poseído (por el diablo)’, means to be possessed (by the devil). So if you’re about to get to know someone new, use ‘poseer’ with caution or they might laughingly retort ‘¿Poseerme? ¿Eres el diablo o qué?’.
If you want to curse, taken by the devil is a popular choice. ‘¡Me lleva el diablo!’, the devil takes me, is an expression of frustration and bad luck; ‘¡Que se lo lleve el diablo!’, let the devil take him/it, is a curse on something or someone else. A quick ‘¡Al diablo (con esto)!’ is a popular, if somewhat aggressive, way to announce that you’re giving up on something.
Thinking that Querer is to love but more general not as deep tambien Encantar.. but “Amar” en la otra mano is the real deal!
Querer is ‘to want’ and ‘to love’. You’re right about how amar is the big L ‘to Love’. Amar and querer can both be used for non-romantic love: amo el fútbol, quiero mucho a mi hermana.
Curiously, in the football example I just gave, one wouldn’t use ‘querer’ ever to convey a lighter amount of love for the sport. You could use ‘me gusta’, I like, or you could use ‘amo’, I truly love. Not much middle ground.
Encantar is to enchant. Si el fútbol te encanta, es normal. Si tu hermana te encanta, eso no es normal.
aught? nought or zero or oh, surely.
From Wikipedia:
Decade names with a leading zero (e.g., 1900 to 1909) were pronounced as "aught" or "nought". This leads to the year 1904 ('04) being spoken as "[nineteen] aught four" or "[nineteen] nought four". Another acceptable pronunciation includes "[nineteen] oh four".
...as Douglas Coupland pointed out early in the decade, "[Noughties] won't work because in America the word 'nought' is never used for zero, never ever".[19]
I use “Aught Four” for extra old American bloke points.
es yo sé, no yo sepo
Mira. TIL. Corregido.
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/cadenaser.com/ser/2019/11/16/sociedad/1573916843_798834.amp.html -
Small correction, pero el resto bien. ¡Que tengas buen camino!