Thanks @Wyshniukas, will bear this in mind!
@damitamit great spot!
Edit - 40 quid for 2 Cinturato Velos, happy with that
Should have seen this thread and added it here...
https://www.lfgss.com/conversations/351211/#comment15420289Anyway...looking for a rear back wheel for commuting in London with good puncture protection (<£30 ideally) - Suggestions please?
Hi guys!
Looking for a new tyre for my rear wheel specifically - I commute into central London (from outer London) a few times a week and the unbranded tyres that came with my fixie just aren't up to it.
I had in my mind the Panaracer Pasela or the Continental Gatorskin, but are there any others that are of interest too? Looking for one which is not going to break the bank (<£30 for one) but has very good puncture protection but rolls well too.
Thanks @Backstop - this is way more confusing than I thought :(
What would you do about the brake then for these handlebars? At the ends of bullhorns?
@hp93 Thanks for your message!
I ordered the attached handlebars in the end. Ideally I'd want brake levers that clamp in the centre of the bar - are these easy to find? Any you can link me to or suggest?
@Backstop thanks for answering my basic q's :)
Hi @Jaaamie, what is wrong with the saddle angle?
I see, thanks @Backstop - I'm lost on what front brake is best. Any chance you could link me to one you'd recommend? Cheers
Thanks @Backstop for this, very helpful - Out of curiosity, what 'looks' wrong with those tyres?
Hi all - I'm a newbie to LFGSS but also Fixed Gear riding, so be kind!
I'm a newbie to Fixed Gear riding - so be kind!
With the pandemic and the trains being generally useless, I bought this Fixed Gear bike this morning second-hand via Facebook Marketplace.
At some point, ideally, I'd want to change the handlebars to a bullhorn bar, but other than that there isn't anything else I can think of.
- Where can I get the right bullhorn bar from and are there any specs which I need to find the right one?
- The back brake is very worn - can someone suggest me some low-midrange cost to replace them?
- Any other suggestions based on looking at the bike that you would typically do?
Thanks a lot in advance!
- Where can I get the right bullhorn bar from and are there any specs which I need to find the right one?
Looking for a front handlebar light - No AA/AAA batteries, I'd want it to be USB chargeable and as small and plain-looking as possible (black, ideally).
Anyone got one collecting dust or have bought a good one from Amazon or elsewhere and can recommend one?
Cheers guys