@jtrent90 these bags look great! Re the mini seatpack, do you reckon it would fit a 20 cm shock pump?
Small Kuwahara in Bristol (wish I were smaller)
Nice looking dalesman in Bridgewater for a good price: https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/2459945044137679/?ref=facebook_story_share
Thanks @Qebrus. I've messaged you 👍
Sorry if you've tried this already but I had this issue with my deore lx shifters and I was about to bin them. I sprayed a load of GT-85 into the mechanisms and shifted over and over until they eventually started working again. I think the bike had sat idle for years and all the old grease was blocking the pawls. Now they work like a dream.
Anyone have a Schwalbe Magic Mary 27.5/650B 2.3-2.5in soft/super soft in good/excellent/unused condition? Would need posting. Ta.