I'm looking to build up a single speed cross bike to race on (Welsh winter cross gets a little muddy and this would be used to avoid a pit bike). It will also be in service as a single speed to ride longer events with my wife ( alpine fondos , 200-300km Audax) and I may build up a Paul's fixed rear disc hub so it can replace my Pre Cursa as winter trainer and long distance Audax bike.
The Squid cross with a spare fixed rear wheel seems to cover all these bases, BUT being in welsh Wales I can't get much 1st hand opinion on Squid bikes in general and the Squid Cross specifically. They have been raced at a high level and ridden round longer U.S gravel events and seem simple, well made and quite adaptable.
Does anyone on here have any 1st hand experience or opinions on the brand / specific frame?
Cap arrived in Wales and fits slightly shallower but only in a different rather than poor fitting way.
Again thank you to @lowbrows and @6pt for the organisation, a nice delivery to brighten up a wet February day. -
I consider myself British, but am also pro European. Before Brexit I would have laughed at an independent Wales, however if the choice was keep the British union or have Welsh independence with Wales being fully integrated into the E.U I would struggle to make a choice.
(I know the thread is about Scotland and I know the likelihood of an independent Wales is far more remote).
“All road”rather than “gravel” but a new skool/old skool take.