Replacing some very old halogen transformer spotlights with newer ones that can take LED bulbs. It’s a timely job too as a few of the transformers look like they’ve melted.
I’m stuck now though because the old wires that ran into the transformer are both brown wires - no way to tell if one is live and one is neutral (which seems to be required by the new fixture). Is there anyway to tell which is which so I can fit the new one? -
Second this recc- we used Benjamin Moore Advance on the skirting/trim in our place. The levelling on it is brilliant and it goes on really nicely. Its held up really well in the hallway where it gets bashed into daily. Downsides are a quoted 16hr cure time, and it's on the watery side so we needed a second coat
Bought these for my parents for the original October date but big Phil caught covid. So things got rescheduled and AXS seemingly don’t notify you of the new date.
Tldr: 2 tickets for Genesis’ Last Domino Tour available on Thu 24th March at the o2. Section 103, Row Q. Face Value was £187 each. Anyone fancy for £100 each?
Only going to floor level as the skirting on this wall is permanently coming off and I’m going to open up the bricked up fireplace.
Tips all gratefully received - going to give it a whirl and try inset doors.
Assuming that removing and altering the shelf is better than trying to do anything in situ, how best to remove? I’m thinking multi tool + flush blade to cut it out and through the screws that I can’t get to
I've a decent chunk of that kit but not the circular or jointing jig!
I can't remove the shelves easily as they're screwed in from the sides which had me thinking about doing it in situ and adapting what's already there. Crudely I was thinking of using the jigsaw to take c.19mm off the bottom two shelves (doors to hide any sins) and making the doors out of MDF.
Would also move the beam up a shelf
Have been looking too and was drawn towards the Dyson ones for looks and hot/cold fan functionality. They don't tend to do well in tests as a purifier though (Which and Wirecutter). The Top Which picks are Electriq EAP500HC and Blueair Classic 605. I don't mind the look of the Xiaomi effort but no idea how good it is!
How easy would it be to add cupboard doors to some framed alcove shelving? Ideally flush with the existing shelves. They run floor to ceiling and I need somewhere to hide wires!
Was hoping this was straight forward but the two quotes I’ve had start at £1k. Making me wonder how far wrong I could go with a jigsaw and some MDF
Better yet, all the way back to 2016- https://web.archive.org/web/20160329135951/https://jeansandsheux.tumblr.com/
Captions particularly additive
Long shot but… Anyone interested in a group buy for a multi-stem Amelanchier Lamarckii? I really want a couple but I definitely don’t want 8 to meet the minimum order requirement