Wondering if anyone has come across this before. I've had a St Peters stout in bottles for about a month. It's the 3rd time I've made this particular kit over the past few years as it's a goodun. This time I added extra muscavado plus sugar when making up the kit, as well as some extra yeast (last kit's trub) to battle the extra fermentables. I started about 1052 and ended up about 1018. Not as low as I'd hoped but it had definitely finished so bottled up. The beer tastes great, and isn't heavily carbonated, I didn't add much priming sugar due to it being a stout, but as soon as I open each bottle it blows the slurry right through the beer and out of the top whereupon it goes everywhere. As I say it isn't heavily carbonated, as it would be if it had started to go again in the bottle, but I can't work out why else it would be blowing so heavily. I've yet to try cooling a bottle to see if it's more settled but obviously don't want to drink very cold stout! Even bottles that are filled to just below the rim, which would usually be much more stable, are blowing. Anyone come across this? I did intend to do a secondary before bottling but didn't get round to it so there's more slurry in the bottle than there otherwise would be.
In my year or so hanging around the the forum I've stumbled across some quality entertainment, notably in my mind the 'Great Papier mache Aero Helmet Build', which has provided me with many chuckles. Currently enjoying the Big Poo Debate of '21. Any other classics stand out? Some obscure forum-based rabbit hole to disappear down and annoy my wife with. Is there a way to set up a poll of the greatest ever LFGSS thread? Based more, it has to be saif, on entertainment than informative content.
I'm taking part in a test for someone of a 3D printed kit which extends the height of the water filter and adds space for PID, as well as a glycerin filled gauge and dimmer. The kit comes with a led strip for the water tank too. I've also added a better basket and a bottomless PF. I'll send you a photo when I've finished the review for the kit. By the time this is finished my GC should be as good as anything under a grand!
None of the usual signs of high carbonation though. Not much fizz and the mouth feel is just about right for a stout.
Adding extra sugar and yeast to this kit is pretty common as it at peters only send them out with about 6g which is never enough.
I'm tempted to cool a bottle and see how it does then.