The savaging is from parachuted in libertarian weirdo Hacker News types with zero experience of coding anything similar or any understanding in of what it's meant to do. Certainly not peers.
Almost all of the complaints are cosmetic "I wouldn't do it like that" stuff. Nothing that invalidates the model.
They recommend you run it multiple times until you get the results you hoped for..
It simulates random spread, so by design it produces different outputs each time and you're meant to average them as needed.
The bug you link to is related to loading and saving state where it should produce the same output for the same inputs, but the random number generators weren't being correctly reset.
Retina? 13-inch?
I wouldn't pay a lot for one. One good thing is there's far less performance difference between 2012 and 2020 than there has been over any similar time span, but on the other hand there's a fair chance it won't be covered by the next version of MacOS.
I'd look for something a generation or two newer - the battery life and heat output greatly improved over time.
similarly anyone that has a superlight, is the extra weight saving making you go faster? is it stronger? (im not light so strength is a very real consideration)
The weight saving is to make it easier to carry. It's only 500-700g*, so pretty negligible considering how much it costs.
(* it's very hard to get a consistent figure for it, because it varies a bit by configuration and there've been quite a few changes over the years, and Brompton have always been keen to exaggerate the saving)
But immediate total lockdown at an early enough stage to really prevent much spread would have seen as alarmist.
This shower of shit choosing optics over competence every single time is one of the reasons we're so angry at them.
And now they've also completely failed at the optics parts I don't know what the point of them is.
On Macs of that era you can usually reset the password by starting it up in Recovery Mode, or if it's old enough to not have Recovery Mode you'll need the original MacOS CD.
Though on the whole, if you plan to use it as a Mac you'll struggle to install a new enough OS to be able run modern software. Might be useable as a Linux box.
It looks like either: a fuse running just above its rating, where it gets very hot but fails to blow. Either the fuse is underrated or the machine has developed a fault. Has the fuse actually blown?
It could also be a loose wire causing arcing inside the plug.
I don't think an RCD would trip for either case.
The short cage can happily handle 11-32. Shimano are very conservative on their specs.
Assuming the chainset is Shimano 6800 you don't need to replace the crank arms to switch between 53/39 and 50/34, just the rings.
There are no compatibility issues mixing 5800/6800/R7000/R8000 parts that I'm aware of*. They're mostly functionally identical but 105 level components are made using slightly cheaper processes that make them very slightly heavier.
(* Though I wouldn't use chainrings that don't match the crank arms)
which was simultaneously written by incompetent people and will kill your battery and fail to actually work
Unless Apple and Google somehow grant the app special privileges on their platforms to do stuff with Bluetooth and background activity that other apps can't, we already know the limits of what's technically possible.
It's not really about competence, other than persuing this particular path at all.
One anomaly is that the "four Thunderbolt 3 ports" i5 model is £100 cheaper than the two port model with the i7, and that's completely different internally with a much higher grade of processor (in thermal headroom terms), and it's 2 generations newer.
(models with higher spec processors do tend to run hotter and can burn through batteries quickly if you actually use their power, so it's not all upside)
The "i5"/"i7" in the MacBook Air and the Pro aren't the same thing. The Air is severely constrained by thermal headroom, which means it has to constantly slow itself down.
That said, if it's struggling on simple things that might be something else wrong. e.g. Have you just dumped a bunch of new files/photos/etc on it that it's busy reindexing?
Apple are usually amazing at returns (at least in store, which are closed). I've returned scratched products to them* and they didn't blink.
(* the screen on the some batches of iPhone X could be scratched by a light breeze)
You can get thread-on to six bolt adapters that go on the left side of a flip-flop hub.
No idea how well they work or if they're vaguely safe.
How practical is contact tracing when there are still thousands of new infections a day?
I think we have fucked it and lockdown has failed to get numbers down to a manageable level, and the way we exit lockdown is to just outright lie about how good a job we've done (as the PM did this morning) and hope for the best.
No continuity buzzer on that one.