aaaaaand now all i've got in my head is the pause music: https://youtu.be/0k23djFBHt8?t=10
The Bremont rebrand is a crying shame. I'm a sucker for block lume and parts of the new watches' design are ok but the dial font/logo kill them all stone dead. I get that they're going for a younger demographic etc, but it looks so generic, not something you'd expect to help a luxury brand to get its sale s up. Mind you, if i don't like it, maybe that means they're getting their market right.
Agree that bands / negatives etc are best but there are a few other things you can do that might help ease the load. Some ideas: https://meghancallawayfitness.com/my-blog/learn-pull-ups-with-these-8-exercises/
Also, the little and often method (the calisthenics crew sometimes call it "greasing the groove") is definitely good for increasing volume, but obvs be careful if you've got rotator issues. Pull up bar across a door frame etc make this easy to do.
Do you have to do rotator specific physio (and if not, worth adding some to your workout)? I snapped the back of my shoulder joint off years ago, and have memories of having to do interminable number of "pull the exercise band across your body" variants to build the muscles back up.
Edit: just seen @zooeyzooey's post - what he said!
all their website spiel makes it sound like they're hard-wearing
Don't buy into this (or any other brand) spiel. Everyone makes their watches sound bullet proof. They aren't. That said, I must admit my ExpII has been worn pretty unapologetically for coming up to 4 years and it's daily rate has never varied from between 1.5-1 secs fast a day. That's nearly quartz levels of consistency / accuracy.
But as the others say - if you like it, get it. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Only issue is if you're buying with a view to selling later, as that's when other peoples' perceptions of a brand (fair or unfair), are a factor.
As if this thread couldn't get more golf club :)
CONGRATS @MementoMori that's awesome! (and sorry about the crash - ouch, heal up soon - I hear looking after newborns is ideal time for physical recuperation).
Thank you for spotting that :) Alas, I'm not sure we'll be welcome in either clan - too mucky for the purists, too extravagant for the quartz qrew.
@nick_h. - I'm too tragic to even have an excuse. Proper golf club bait. I wanted the watch as an activity tracker, and it's handy for life stuff as well, but I didn't enjoy using it as a watch, so I've turned the screen off to keep it as unobtrusive as possible (ie not much) and as a bonus the battery now lasts a whole 2 days.