What's the trick to browning cubes of lean beef coated with flour? I was using a cast iron stewing pot. It was on a medium heat at first, plenty of oil and space for the meat, shook the pan regularly to minimise sticking, but it wasn't really browning, and I worried it was just drying out. I raised the heat and before I knew it there was a blackened layer on the bottom and I had to rescue the meat and wash the pan out.
I suspect I should have stuck with a medium heat, and just carried on. Maybe the meat was too moist to start with.
Yeah they taste great. Slightly bready croissants are no bad thing in themselves.
I don't think the butter was melting during the folding, but the dough probably spent too long hanging around while I was shaping the croissants, then the final prove ran a bit over time. Thanks for the tip I'll try and keep it colder next time.
I hope you're OK for next week then
I got 19:38, 8th - I'm very happy with that especially seeing as it's a hilly course, far more hilly than I expected. It was good to run with other people for a change. This time I started too far back and didn't know where I was in the field at any point. Next time I will start at the front and decide who to follow. I think I will also know better how to pace myself within a lap (it's a three lap course with basically no flat).
I'll have to try it on a flat course (not so simple around here). I'm also thinking about trying a short offroad event in early December.
TV documentaries over-using the historical present tense: "When the printing press is invented, everything changes". Producers get interview subjects to us it whenever they can to make their stories seem more immediate, but it's so unnatural that people often mess it up and slide into past tense within a single sentence: "When I see smoke coming out of the engines, I started to shout..."
I have been thinking about the Ribble CGR steel or alu. Among all the other usual things I want it for winter road riding. My head has been turned by the Niner RLT 9 Steel. Would it be daft to spend much more than the Ribble on that? Is there going to an advantage beside the looks, particularly for using as a road bike? It has a press fit bottom bracket, probably a point against it.
I'm really happy to have a GPS watch now (Amazfit Stratos, though the music function is crap), meaning I can ditch the annoying phone belt, which always came out of place. Similarly, I'm happy to have switched to tight merino base layer tops (thanks for recommendations on here), which have solved the problems with my nipples, no tape required.
I'm about to try intervals for the first time, and possibly try to figure out my max heart rate. The watch currently thinks I'm running an entire 10k in the anaerobic zone (173 average), I think because the real max value hasn't been automatically dialed in yet, or else it's just a very inaccurate meter, and my heart rate is actually much lower.
My current (first) road bike came with 50-34 / 11-34. I did use that extremely low gear when first attempting steeper hills, now it feels unusably spinny. On my new one I'm getting 52-36 / 11-28. The new lowest should be a bit lower than the current third lowest (34/26)
I was thinking that's a very middle of the road gearing, but it seems like bike manufacturers are going a bit lower than that now. I guess that goes to show that a stock Canyon is not hip hop
I also backed out of a 10k because I felt too tired to race, went out with the cycling club instead and found it absolutely harrowing in the cold rain, wished I was running instead.
Running is the best way to enjoy being outside in bad weather IMO.
I have my first trail race next weekend