Hi, looking to see what everyone is using for hubs, also any info formation on a brand called ‘SPIKE’ can’t seem to fond any leads other than a link to a word press site that makes no sense in Japanese ,
Fun project, late 1980s kilo frame made by Ken Evans, possible not the original paint job..so need to do some research, reportly used by Australian Martin vinnicombe 1989 works rode to 2nd place....still looking for pics or video if any one can help out
WTB Late 1980s to early 1990s Campagnolo 26 inch front Road Ghibli disc wheel or spoked Shamal for a 1988 Colnago Master Krono build. I am prepared to either buy or can swap for modern Mavic track discs etc.
I’m interested in NOS or close to it; Campagnolo Sigma 650c and 700c Crono rims.
Cheers will check those out