I've looked after other dogs with no incidents but dogsitting last week really made me think long and hard about ever getting one of my own. Big problems with recall if he saw anything vaguely interesting in the distance, playing up constantly if he didn't feel like he was getting enough attention (mostly humping/tearing up his bed despite being neutered), horrible separation anxiety that meant one of us couldn't even retrieve a parcel from outside the flat door without him howling and crying (even if the other was sitting next to him). He even regressed to his puppy behaviour at one point and bit my leg when I tried to jog with him. He's a sweet dog when he's tired out after a run but he is very wilful if he really wants to do something and 'forgets' how to even sit, just barks impatiently. I don't know if it's the terrier part of him causing that because pure whippets I've spent time with seem more placid.
I'm dogsitting right now and feel really bad cos he got attacked by another dog when I was taking him for a walk around the backstreets to stretch his legs yesterday evening. He wasn't hurt but I could tell he got very shaken up. Didn't really see it coming because I was walking past a gate and this bichon frise type thing launched herself on him in a surprise attack, then got her lead wrapped around his collar and was stuck there snarling and snapping at his throat. The owner was like 'sorry, she just got scared because she got tangled up', but she only got tangled up because she made the bonehead move of jumping on a skinny wriggly lurcher.
I've been buying that James Gourmet decaf and it's perfectly fine, but I feel like Colombian sugar cane decafs seem to be the default for a lot of roasters right now and they all taste quite similar to me. Had them from Hasbean and Dark Arts too and I definitely wouldn't be able to tell them apart in a blind test (not that they taste bad). Monmouth gets the piss taken out of it a lot on here but I do think they seem to change their decaf fairly frequently so if I want a change in decaf I'll get a bag there sometimes, although it's not as consistent and sometimes I wish I'd just gotten the Colombian beans from whoever.
The James Gourmet non-decaf has all been absolutely excellent I should say, I'm so pleased I read about them here and gave them a try. I've been giving coffees I'd normally avoid (because I don't generally expect to like them, e.g. Brazilian with tasting notes of dark chocolate) a go and have found them delicious. -
I've been ordering PureOaty (the brand Oatly tried and failed to sue in a bullshit suit) and it's good! Haven't bought any other oat milk for about a year. You have to buy it by the pack though.
I've also tried their almond and don't rate it as much - it's actually the best tasting almond milk I've had and is great for hot chocolate and smoothies, but it seems to split easily when used in coffee and tea. -
I got one from Fairywill a couple of years ago and don't think I paid more than £30. You can get them on eBay - they were removed from Amazon for trying to game the review algorithm or something, but I bought it on the recommendation of a site that does independent reviews of electric toothbrushes etc. and they said they still recommend it as a budget option.
I really hate flossing and I have teeth that are very crowded in parts of my mouth so it's much easier for me to just use that - I would leave it on the lower pressure setting to try out if you get one though because higher pressures can feel pretty aggressive. You won't be able to use it for some time after wisdom tooth extraction though in case it blasts out the clot, but maybe once it's more healed it can be useful for rinsing out stuff that gets trapped in the gum divot. -
Think my Note 8 is not going to last much longer; I had hoped I could go another 6 months at least but now I'm not so sure. It's been doing this thing where it insists it has moisture in the charging port (I have no idea where it thinks that's coming from, and I clean it regularly so it's not just lint that got damp) and won't let me charge until that disappears. I had to get a wireless charger to avoid that just in case it happened when I needed to top up and go out, but now if I leave it sitting on that for too long it actually drains the battery until it's totally dead somehow?
Anyone have the OnePlus Nord 2 and recommend it? Or the Xiaomi 11T is not much more if you buy the lower storage/RAM version from a third party. Could also just go refurb again and get something closer to a flagship from a couple of years ago or an iPhone from that period, but the appeal of having a brand new phone with a brand new battery is quite appealing. Mainly want a decent camera and don't do any gaming. -
I had one out a little over a year ago and it didn't go too well - kept having ongoing pain and returning to have it packed with that clove-y antiseptic material, until the dentist said it was better she reopen it and let the edges knit together again. That still didn't really solve it and I had a period when I was getting really bad pain that coincided with me feeling sick and weak for about a fortnight so I wasn't sure if there was some horrible infection spreading through me; eventually Eastman surgeons saw me in November and scraped it all out along with some 'soft bone' (ugh). That actually seemed to solve it... until yesterday I started getting pain again. I swear this one fucking tooth has given me more problems than way more 'serious' conditions I've had.
I unfortunately don't know much about Macs, but my wife needs to get a replacement laptop because she's given notice at her job and had been using the work 2013 MBP for her own projects, and has only ever bought Apple laptops. She needs it for some video editing and probably live streaming for private classes she's running, which she's previously done with a capture card, a mirrorless camera and a wireless mic. She's looking to get refurbished but is willing to spend up to around £700 if she thinks she'll get a good few years out of it. Will she be OK with a slightly newer (than 2013) MBP or is it worth a little extra for e.g. an M1 Air? Are the butterfly keyboards really as awful as Reddit claims they are?
I haven't noticed any water leaking in yet, but I'm also thinking there must be a decent sized hole in the roof somewhere because our flat also suddenly got freezing cold last night and the heating didn't help much. I mean it was actually way colder than I realised (I went to pick up my wife from the station and had to run back to put on an extra fleece because the wind was really cutting through me), but the temperature inside seemed to drop after some particularly horrible noises above me while I was trying to work.
Just heard a horrible crashing/grinding above me; cautiously looked out of my skylight and we've definitely lost some ridge tiles at least. The roofer only fixed those the other day! It's always noisy during storms in this attic flat but this actually feels quite scary; the roof is groaning like crazy and the whole place is wobbling.
My wife is meant to be landing at Heathrow at lunchtime; no idea if that'll happen. The LAX-Heathrow flight before hers was cancelled, but hers boarded and took off. -
Oh bollocks, I went to A&E to get some chest pain checked out on Monday, and just got a notification I was sitting near someone who's tested positive. Was probably in the same small waiting area as them for about 5 hours, so it feels more worrying compared to the other day when I had a notification and had been near a co-worker for maybe 25 minutes. I have oral surgery tomorrow and have a bad feeling I'm gonna wake up feeling like shit and get bumped back 2 months (again).
Gotta say it pissed me off to hear everyone coming in saying 'no of course, no fever or cough or anything' when questioned at the door, then multiple people would sit down and start coughing up a lung, sometimes with their mask on their chin. Meanwhile I was gritting my teeth wearing this FFP3 that sliced into my ears for about 7.5 hours total.
Yeah I've taken a few tests this week too and they were all negative. Just got a text with the PCR result and that's negative too. Oh well, if I have a bad cold or the flu I'd rather not give that to my parents either so it's probably good I cancelled; today I've been coughing and sneezing a lot so would have gotten the whole train carriage ill too. I think maybe it's something my wife had last week and shrugged off after a couple of days but has hit me harder (which is what usually happens tbh).
Was meant to get the train today to see my parents for the first time in quite a while, but I woke up on Friday with a very sore throat and a notification that I'd been in close contact with a positive case on Tuesday (80% sure it was my manager). Had to make a decision on whether to go and eventually called them and told them we wouldn't be there, although my brother and sister-in-law are still going. Everyone was gutted but I think it was the right decision; whatever I have is currently kicking the shit out of me and I wouldn't want either of my parents to be exposed. My dad's care home just came out of a weeks-long block on visitors after several positive cases there so it would be so bad if I was the cause of another one of those.
I took a walk-through PCR in Crouch End on Friday at lunchtime but haven't had a result yet; this is the first time it's taken more than 24 hours for me but I guess they must be overwhelmed right now? If it's not Covid it's possibly the flu because I feel really awful and had pain all down my back and into my limbs this morning. -
Did you just happen to buy natural process Ethiopians every time rather than washed? A boozy berry liqueur taste is pretty common in those, but then I enjoy that myself and it's often present in natural coffees from other countries, not just Ethiopia. Maybe you just have a preference for washed coffee?
A couple of weeks ago my colleague and I ended up with splitting headaches because of the same issue - some guy walking around under our window in the hospital car park with a leaf blower for three hours. Thing is there weren't even any leaves there to begin with! He was just slowly wandering around pointing it at the concrete; really felt like someone trying to stretch out a pointless job so he could avoid doing something else he liked less.
Finally playing Disco Elysium now that it's on the Switch. Loading times are atrocious - although I guess as a Switch owner I'm used to that now - and I wish the autosave triggered more frequently (going back through dialogue trees you already exhausted thanks to a crash isn't that fun) but it's starting to get a hold on me now that I've been stumbling on side investigations etc.
I do two days a week in the office right now (mostly to send letters which is the one thing we can't really do WFH), but they've announced there's going to be a monthly mandatory non-Zoom team meeting where everyone piles into this big room they've rented elsewhere in the hospital. I don't really see the point and kind of resent having to have lunch early and schlep out there. At least for me it's just north -> east London, but we have a few people way down south who are going to find it pretty disruptive I think.
You can get the less famous Yashica rangefinders for less than £50 easily I reckon. I got a decent condition Minister D from eBay for £38, and I got a J for £14 from Oxfam (the former was designed for a defunct battery but there are alternatives/adapters and that only powers the light meter anyway). The Campus is always cheap too.
I think he's a little better with them but doesn't feel he's in any way obliged to obey commands given by me or my wife. I don't think his recall is still 100% with them though, although his verbal cues are better so he'll sit/spin/shake/lie down more readily. They dote on him a lot though and he has a garden there, so I don't think he was very happy that he wasn't allowed to e.g. jump on the bed here or go for a snooze in the sun.