Does anyone other than Carradice themselves sell these bars since they're out of stock right now? Had a quick Google and can't seem to find them:
https://www.carradice.co.uk/products/accessories/pannier-hook-adapter-bar-singleMy rack is a little over 14mm so could just buy another brand as I know Ortlieb fits up to 16mm as standard, but I liked the look of the Super C stuff for my bike. Might just have to check with Carradice and wait for new stock I guess.
They weren't together in a pack or anything but I've seen them all in traffic around Haringey, Islington and Camden. It just kind of clicked that I'd been noticing them a lot as I was getting ready to go this morning when one blasted past my Bikehangar. Unless I've somehow just been seeing the same plateless black Audi everywhere? But the Merc was definitely silver.
Have noticed at least 4 Audis and 1 Merc with no plates (not propped in the windscreen, nothing on front or rear) driving like idiots in the last couple of weeks. Something tells me it would end up badly for me if I ever called them out at the lights and there's no way to report them so... guess they found the ultimate loophole?
For me it was really great when it was working; I found it a good midpoint between paper filters and a normal cafetiere mesh. Did you get the glass or steel version?
You're right that I should ask in a coffee shop, if not for that specific product then any other cleaners they might recommend; didn't even think of that for some reason. -
Speaking of Espro I bought one of their fancily-filtered metal press things years ago and really liked it for an option to make several cups of coffee rather than my Aeropress. However I went away on holiday and an idiot flatmate decided they would use it as a vase while I was gone and from then on it had a horrible off taste. I couldn't believe it would be that badly affected just from that and convinced myself the rubber had coincidentally perished or something and bought a new filter, but that didn't work. I tried cleaning it with baking soda I think and that did nothing. Is it just fucked? It's been sadly sat in my cupboard since I moved and if there was some obvious trick to fixing it I missed that would be great.
May have slightly, uh, gone into the back of a car in traffic this morning. Thankfully it was such a tiny bump they didn't notice. Weird though because the road surface was super treacly and I felt like I was putting tons of effort in and barely picking up any speed, but then when I came to stop I just wasn't slowing down at all either. Might just be me not being used to the roller brake though and expecting an immediate stop rather than a graceful gradual one.
First time taking out my new relaxed tank of a commuter this morning and I'm very aware that it's a slow and stately ride with a coaster brake and that I should err on the side of caution with some filtering. I decided to wait in traffic rather than squeeze down the left of 3 cars and one van just to get to the front of a queue that didn't even have an ASL (Hornsey Road/Tollington Park junction). Lights changed and I went to set off and two guys decided they HAD to bomb through the gap between me and the car in front/to the right of me so they wouldn't have to give up any speed. Just why? Thank fuck I gave a quick look and didn't commit to setting off or we would all have gone down.
Think they are bullshitting you on the courier 14 days thing. It's their responsibility as the seller to ensure their courier of choice gets the item to you. They haven't and it's been more than 30 days so you should just get a refund, no argument. They also failed to get it to you next working day anyway which you paid for.
I hate having to cover reception while my colleague's off sick. Yes thank you for pressing the extremely loud buzzer five times in a row because you couldn't be arsed this morning and turned up 20 minutes late. Another thank you to the guy who always turns up 90 minutes early and grumbles repeatedly about not being seen immediately. It's called an appointment dipshit (may have lost my cool a bit with this moron by yelling a bit too loudly at him to 'JUST SIT DOWN' when he stamped up to my desk tapping his watch yet again).
This guy goes into a lot of detail on the inaccuracies too. -
Has DPD been becoming more shit recently? Used to find them fairly reliable but the last couple of times I've gone to rearrange delivery they straight up didn't bother delivering on the day I'd chosen. I got a notification on Monday evening they were going to deliver a parcel I'd been waiting for from France on Tuesday; I knew I'd be working until late so I asked for it to go to a pickup shop instead so I could grab it on my way home. Get another text saying 'no problem, you can pick it up after 12:00'. Then... they just didn't do it. The tracking just says it's still in Enfield and when I called this morning it put me on hold until I gave up and went to make breakfast, and now when I call they've removed the option to speak to a human that was there before as if I've offended the machine by hanging up before.
This would be a minor annoyance normally but it's my wife's birthday present for next week and we're going away to Spain this evening, so they've fucked that right up for me.
Saw one guy on an old red B'Twin riding the wrong way up Holloway Road about an hour ago. I have no idea what he was thinking; he just turned right out of a side street without looking and kept going in a straight line directly towards a bus, then veered off and passed it by the kerb on his right hand side.
I always pet the hell out of a couple of cats on my street who run over to my front steps when I come out, is that not considered OK? I would ask the owner first if I wanted to stroke their dog but I kind of consider cats fair game if they come up to me since they're hanging out on their own in public.
I'm loving My Favorite Murder (you have to search for the US spelling) recently; wish I'd discovered it before most of their European tour sold out. If it was two men talking about serial killers constantly it would be a bit creepy but somehow the fact that it's two hilarious women takes the edge off.
They recommended Last Podcast on the Left which is sometimes funny but is often a bit loud and braying for my taste, but they really do the necessary research so they can have a punchy half hour episode on fairly broad subjects or sometimes just a specific event.
I also love The Greatest Generation which is two guys watching every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation (and now DS9) and doing a jokey plot discussion. Description is 'the Star Trek podcast by a couple of guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek podcast'. They also both work in film production so are super knowledgeable about how to take apart the episodes under that lens. -
I thought I must have accidentally opened the diary event and somehow fumble-changed it so it no longer had a notification attached the first time it happened, but then it worked fine the next day. It didn't work yesterday and I looked at the event and it still said it was supposed to send me a notification. I haven't changed the permission settings on the app and it still works I'd say the majority of the time; it's very weird.
My other guess when I first noticed it was that Doze was being too aggressive and causing it somehow but usually that manifests itself to me as notifications coming in much later than they were supposed to arrive once I pick the phone up and move around, not them just straight up not showing up. -
Anyone else had problems recently with Google's Calendar app not sending notifications you've set? I have one that's been set for years to go off at 18:20 every day reminding me to take my epilepsy medicine evening dose, but in the last few weeks it sometimes just doesn't bother and sometimes does it as normal. The events are still there in the diary with the notification attached if I open the app and check so I don't know why I'm not getting them.
Yeah they were my first thought but I looked through all their Carradice spares and couldn't see those bars unless I'm just losing it and scrolled past them. Might ring them on my lunch break to have a check.