Going up Hazlewell Rd in Putney, see a gentleman on the pavement yelling something quite a bit ahead from behind a row of carst. Then he appears on the road just as i am about to pass him seemingly trying to give me a hug (im going about 25kmph). I said 'no thanks' and then i hear him shout 'pussy'. strange.
glorious morning though
When I was at university (circa 2005), I was at home during the day and decided to make a gourmet bowl of instant noodles. We didn't have a microwave (obvs) and I was cooking them with the requisite amount of water. Went upstairs for a quick spot of Command and Conquer Red Alert and became so absorbed in the game I forgot about the noodles.
I went downstairs after an hour because of the smoke alarm, to find a jet of smoke coming out of the pot. The pot was destroyed and my noodles vaporised, but fortunately, the house didn't go up in flames.
Epic traffic jam in all directions on priory lane and up clarence lane. I was going down clarence lane saw the source of the problem. Some guy in a fancy merc was too frightened to try and fit his car through the traffic calming bollards. Seemed to be paralysed by fear! Was being directed through by a middle aged cyclist in shorts and a tshirt. Was a massive lol.
One of the critical issues in terms of car use, is the amount of space they take up in terms of the actual carriageway. But one of the ways cars really ruin urban environments is through car parking, which spends most of the time vacant but is a necessity to facilitate car ownership.
Car use costs local authorities and TfL an absolute fortune just for maintenance!
Bear in mind car ownership is falling across London. In places like Lambeth only about 1/3 of households actually own a car.
I got my just desserts this morning.
Going west on Clapham north side there is a set of lights for a bus lane (with cycles allowed) that never goes green unless a bus triggers the sensor thing. It is the only RLJ i do and this morning I was on my merry way through and my mudguard got caught momentarily on my down tube (just enough to through me off balance) and down i went in the middle of the junction. Fortunately the car I was darting in front of didn't run me over.
Ill just leave this here...
Last night I was waiting for the lights coming out of the bus only area in Kingston (cycling is allowed). It is a t-junction with a gap in the reservation so buses can turn. A car is sat in this gap trying to do an illegal u-turn.
Some hero on a massive dutch back jumps the red light and stops next to said car and starts shouting and waving his finger saying you can't do it that (!!!). My light goes green so the car can finish the u-turn. I realise it is a young guy with a p plate, probably an innocent mistake. At the next set out lights, not far away, the RLJing cyclist continues to give it to the driver whilst blocking his lane. At this stage a youff on a moped rides up and tells him to fuck off. Truly deserved.
What is the most vigilante thing you've done? Unfortunately, I've only gone as far as verbal sprays and nuisance making like this. But I knew a former courier (who was a bit of a tosser tbh) who was cycling down a street at the speed limit in the middle of the road. A car was behind him beeping because they wanted to get around him, regardless of the danger of it.
At the next set of light he rested his bike against the front of the car, walked around to the drivers window as the driver was screaming abuse at him, snatched the keys out of the ignition, threw them in a nearby front garden and rode off. As much as i didn't like the guy, i respected pure cuntishness of the act.
Last night, Upper Richmond Road Putney (again). Im twitchy from being taken out two weeks ago, so when a white van looked like it was going to turn in front of me i slammed on the brakes. Only issue was that the new bike's brakes are more powerful than my old one so over the handlebars i went.
Managed to snap the barrel adjuster off (old school downtubes ones) from the violent twisting of the handlebars. Relatively uninjured, got up to give it to the white van and then realised i had no point to make. Ended up mumbling, 'im fine'.
Another point that I would like to make, generally in Australia that standard of driving is far worse, more aggro etc than here but the English DISDAIN FOR INDICATING is outrageous and almost makes the roads are hazardous as melburn.
the bad attempt