Gun lobbyists were on twitter arguing that mentally ill people will not seek treatment if they think it will prevent them from getting a gun. Therefore, they say there should be no limit on mentally ill people's access to guns. Gun lobby logic.
I think the only hope is that a future, more anti gun SCOTUS will rule against unfettered gun ownership.
Polls show a majority of Americans support restrictions on gun access by mentally ill, also by convicted stalkers.
The problem is that the gun lobby has bought many politicians, some have received millions from the NRA. They disregard their voters and favor their funders. In the US, politicians support whoever gives them the most money. If the anti-gun lobby paid the same politicians more, there is no doubt those politicians would suddenly become anti-gun. -
A friend was driving me around DC on a visit, we got lost and ended up in a bad neighbourhood.
Someone cut us off and gave us the finger as they passed. I said something like "what an asshole". My friend yelled at me "Don't make eye contact! Don't say anything! Everyone's packing (carrying a gun) here!" That's the problem. Everyone is afraid of everyone else, so they feel they need a gun to protect themselves.
There are so many guns in America already that you could stop selling them right now and it would have little effect.
I've seen sports store with aisles of guns and ammunition like supermarket aisles.
Pawn shops are full of guns. Gun shows are unregulated sales markets. Some police departments sell off guns they have seized, since forfeiture has become a big source of revenue for police.
Buybacks are a good start. Something has to be done about the millions already in circulation. -
Russia is going to produce ten new TU160 supersonic bombers with an option for forty more.
The company producing them is promoting a supersonic business jet using some of the same technology. -
No Republican would admit that! Damn I wish I could find one.
He tweeted that he might start recording meetings. I am sure he already does, like everyone since Nixon at least. Trump would be selective in what recordings he made public. He is so shady that we would never know what the whole truth was, only hearing his edited versions.
People underestimate Trump at their own peril. He played the Left and Liberals for suckers. He said ridiculous things in his speeches but he got the desired reaction from his opponents on the left. He provoked reactions and made them look more extremist than they really are. He was able to position himself as a centrist candidate, and get the right, far right, and centrist votes.
All those silly looking tweets are carefully tailored to his fan base. Read some of the replies and see how devoted his fans are. Celebrities who criticise him are written off as Hollywood Libtards. Academics who criticise him are written off as Ivory Tower Lefties.
In America there is a vast class of forgotten people, the middle class workers and tradesmen who are now lost and unemployable. They are angry. He gave them someone to blame. He promised big changes. They have been let down by both the Republicans and the Democrats, he was neither, or so he claimed. The regular two party system has failed them so an outsider was as good as anyone.
Just because he looks stupid to you, don't assume he really is stupid. He is totally evil and a master of deception and manipulation.
It had enormous potential but they really fucked it up.
I like the idea of Luke being burned out and going off where nobody bugs him, who hasn't thought of doing that?
Laura Dern, worst actress in history,she must have asked to be in it so they shuffled some script to fit her in. Dye her hair and find an old dress for her and we're done.
Admiral Ackbar is a popular guy with fans, he should have been the one to smash the Empire's flagship. Instead his death is barely noted.
Snoke was built up as such a powerful mysterious figure. He got cut in half and was forgotten. Palpatine's throne room was dark and menacing but Snoke's looked like the set for a Hollywood musical. Or a bordello. It's all CGI so they could have made it decent.
The casino bit, it didn't belong. Finn and the little girl could have had a nice adventure on the enemy ship. It looked like an afterthought to accomodate Guillermo Del Toro. Finn flies across the galaxy to look for the guy and the enemy has already discerned his plan and planted Del Toro as a saboteur, like fuck off already.
And how fast do they travel now? They are in the middle of a battle and decide to pop across the galaxy for a minute to look for a hacker. People used to sleep on long voyages in space.
Leia flying in space was ridiculous. It would have been a perfect point to write her out and it would have been good for Kylo Ren's journey further to the Dark Side.Overall disappointing, such a waste. Could have been so good.
Trecia's Bicycle Guide article must be thirty years old.
I doubt if any other builder at the time knew as much about working with titanium. He also made a lot of parts out of titanium, seatposts, stems, axles.
His quote about a bike weighing a tenth of the rider is out of context. He also meant that a heavy rider should not ride a bike weighing less than a tenth of their weight. The American Merlin titanium frames were known as flexible and easily broken because of their focus on lightness.
Trump probably has a pal who wants to import a stuffed elephant head or some such thing. Said pal asks Trump to fix things. That's how Trump's idea of governance works, a small elite looking out for each other. Philosophy about animal welfare or conservation was never a factor.
Re Mnuchin's picture at the Bureau of Printing. He doesn't think of the Treasury as a responsibility. It is a plaything that Trump has given him. All these guys are entitled to do whatever they want now, at least in their opinion.
That is why Trump constantly tweets about winning the election, it is his justification for anything he does. -
A few top Republican got 7 million from gun lobby groups. Astounding.
7 million.
And they are getting piles of money from other groups as well. As you say, big pharma, oil, finance, etc
Not much of a democracy anymore.