Can you share specifics on what is working for KOTG for you please?
I follow a lot of his stuff but find it pretty vast and bewildering on what to focus on! Currently doing ATG Split squat and reverse treadmill regularly and tib bar and nordics sporadically but struggling to focus on it and have only seen marginal improvements.
I have no useful experience to add but would be interested in hearing about your current set up and why you want to change? You have a Niche Duo don't you, isn't upgrading the burrs to SSP not worth pursuing (apart from the warranty issues) or the swapping from filter to espresso on the Duo is too much faff and you want to go to a dedicated 83mm espresso grinder?
Edit, ah I see you are talking about changing burrs, not the whole grinder.... Ignore me!
Is these:
Will take a pic in the morning for daylight realness.
Hi, Niche Zero user thoughts please!
Got one off ebay recently, been going well but got some properly light roasted beans recently and been having no end of trouble. Just dumping all the beans in tends to stall the motor. Slow feeding with the lid open and pressing the safety switch solves the stalling but even on ridiculously fine setting (6 dots) espresso just gushes through.... Not sure I dare going much finer!
Any suggestions or should I just accept that beans this light are only really suitable for high end grinders or pour over?
That's a good point, I pour from a swan neck kettle so presumably it goes in at quite a concentrated force and because of the curve in the neck at roughly the same spot each time! I'll try your side pour method tomorrow and report back.
Do you mean you pour over a sink and let the water overflow the top of the portafilter?
Oops, must have overlooked that bit!
Gave this one a press, got the divot in the center, but can also see where it is coming though fastest on pre-infusion just off to the left of center. It always channels there!
As a result also it takes a long time for the stream to come together as one, usually about two thirds of the way through the shot!
I think it might cause issues but I haven't made any effort to find a solution! There is always a point just off center that comes through quicker than the rest on the pre-infusion. I absentmindedly pushed the screen down on top of the puck rather than just gently placing it the other day and the channeling on that shot was insane.
Anyone else tried this yet? I'm struggling to dial in and balance the acidity but wow the raspberry aromas are nuts!
The quick spendy answer, not addressing the mobility issues....?
Thanks, very helpful! Step downs seems like a good idea that I hadn't picked up but see there was a KOTG video on it recently. I'm similar, getting down the stairs in the morning is a painful experience in one knee, really need to find the focus to strengthen it!