Thanks bro, no one was hurt.
I have spoken with my area manager and indirectly with the CEO.
Not gonna lose my job, obvs were gonna throw money at the sitch because Im not licensed for the forklift so we wanna avoid insurance etcTheir insurance wanted me to admit fault on the phone, so I said I need to review the CCTV and everything needs to go through our company and gave them the number for that.
Ive seen the footage now, its not in my favour. The guy is in a weird place and I did check my mirror but Im gonna be at fault here.Its just bad timing, Im running the place alone (manager off with stress) and we discussed stuff like this. Ive put my foot down regarding the forky, 3 weeks ago.
Bet I get booked in now.
Actually impressed my company havent thrown me under the bus. -
I was reversing a forklift at work.
A car pulled in, may have just been turning around, doesnt matter.
We collided.Theres CCTV
Weve exchanged details
His insurance have called me already
My company is awareThe twist, i have no license.
Sorry, the question, have I lost my job?
Will I be fully liable? -
I thinl the same guy did one with amps.
Whilst this will go the same as "are clipless an advantage?" (No one will listen cos its all about feeling) it was very interesting and sobering.You will notice a bad speaker.
You can tell a strat from an LP etc.
You cant hear rosewood finger boards and abolone dots on your car stereo. -
Im not asking for my consideration, Im asking for people to consider what happened.
I wouldn't say Im embarrassed either lol, I don't know any of you!
Its funny everybody jumped on my mistake to prove the point of "the police did all they can", which it doesn't prove that point nor did the police do a good job.This guy got held on remand since july.
HoOmMoMaaaannNnN RiIgHtTtsZZZ man....The police fucked up here mate, and dont get started on high horses and insulting people by proxy, we're on flippin LFGSS.
I wont apologise for the police.
Im quite surprised do many people did on this one too. -
I am talking about that yes. And I fully support access to abortion. Thats as far as ill comment on abortion.
I dont agree any safe space is needed, its already illegal to be abusive. Its a way of policing that without having to be present. Its a fob off not a support, imo.
I will never support a thought police in any guise. Who made what thoughts doesnt matter.
Now that weve cleared up my ignorance on human rights (a humble pie dont wory) can we get back to how terribly the police has handled this? Because they have.
Literally just heard the tates are being held for 30 more days. Country doesnt matter under UN law, does it?
That officer should be alive and jailed was always my point, police failings prevented that. -
no mention of of innocent until proven guiltyhowever, this does mention it exactly as you and someone else has said.
https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2021/03/udhr.pdfI'll admit I'm uniformed there.
But still, freedom is a human right and can be taken away.
Freedom of thought is a human right, a lady is in court next month for "thought-praying within a safe space" in Birmingham.Human rights aren't as sacred and protected as you think. Even if they should be :)
Innocent until proven guilty isn't a human right, its legal jargon for "well we all make mistakes, got to be fair don't you know" its the same as "watch xx allegedly behead someone" when you clearly see the beheading and the person doing it. Its not to protect the individual but the institution.
Your human rights however do protect you in that you must have a fair trial.
Would you consider Freedom a human right, how do the Police punish us?Drop that idealist wishy washy bulllshit.
Public perception > Public interaction.It is true that if you are arrested holding a gun covered in blood over a dead body you will be tried the same as if you were actually seen to shoot the person, that is "innocent until proven guilty" however, in my second scenario, would you be released pending investigation?
We both agree the police had proof of CP, they had to grade it to say how 'bad' a paed he was. He had multiple arrests for the same thing too. They released him, he was found dead, the wrong local cops went to find him, its easier for him to die than deal with a high profile case like this and then try and protect him in prison.
When you get arrested and are waiting (held in a cell) to be processed at a station, if you have a history of self harm, suicidal thoughts or even threaten suicide you will have an officer stood at your open door the whole time.
This guy was supposed to have welfare checks, he didnt. The wrong precinct(?) found him.Keep apologising for the Farce.
Heres some legislation for you too. I used the C4 program to highlight my point on police perception over reality.
'Pre-charge detention can only be authorised where there is insufficient evidence to charge a person and the "custody officer has reasonable grounds for believing that his detention without being charged is necessary to secure or preserve evidence relating to an offence for which he is under arrest or obtain such...'
Did they know they had all the evidence they possibly could?
Laws are frequently bent, legally, when they can be. This time though, everything was done by the book?Finally, approximately 2% of the met police force are now under investigation for "abuse". The way things look its more likely sexual abuse and possibly paedophilia.
18% of UK prisoners are held over sexual abuse with 1/8th of those being paedophiles. Just over 2%
Maybe just 2% of the population in general are paeds, but that means its OK for the police too, its just life....Striking.
Crap computer systems that companies rely on.
I shouldnt have to login and start every process again if I want to 'press back'.
Also, not having barcode scanners but relying on part numbers that are shared by 15 years of things....
Just being unorganised, thats what I hate.
pic for example, thats what the public gets.
Dont get me started on lights.
As Im here...Default setting is anti aircraft. Oo LEDs are super bright so we have to install brighter lights than the street lights!
Such brilliant logic....
You can see through skin in the most basic car now.
My grandparents wont drive if lights are needed.
Its so dumb, you cant judge speed, size, direction or make out any 'no you go' gestures from the driver which leads to weird politbess chicken mexican stand offs.
Dumb af. Ive thought this for years. National petition? Doesnt france still have yellow filters? -
I finally got an eq.
Convinced myself that 2 is best, atm just exploring the pedal from guitar straight to amp. I really like the second from left or right boosted, (the pedal is never the right way round!) everything else flat and neck pickup.
It was very alive.
The plan is to have an overall eq and another around (before or after I dont know yet) the dirt boxes.
Any sounds I should be dialling in first? -
Im sure thats considered too but it could be more true that it boils down to value.
Maybe I have a chip on my shoulder at the mo but when I reported my bike stolen they asked the value, I said new 500 not sure now. I saw a headline next day and a wyp tweet or something about £10k of stuff stolen from a van. The police called me in 2 days saying my case is filed unless I get cctv lol.
Of course my bike wont make the papers but it shows that low value theft isnt worth thier time. -
I needed that, thanks fella.
I saw another cyclist on the way home yesterday have the exact experience, sorry it wasnt exact he didnt get shunted he was just stuck with 3 directions of traffic using him as an island, that I had that morning. In the same spot. Scary man.
I wont stop for long, my friends bike is half the weight of mine so theres a few fear facctors at play atm. Not afraid to admit that -
Really fallen out with cycling recebtly.
Other day I got pushed along by a double decker. He didnt leave much room in the bike box and as I entered the lights changed. He didnt see me for a while. I was on his right cos Im not insane.Followed a bus through a diversion and the lights arent timed right, got drove into, somehow twice by the same taxi. Im sat on the drivers headlight here, pushed me into oncoming traffic into a transit. The transit was very polite. Blames the junction.
Also got a bike nicked and the police are fucking useless. 10 minute window but still told to do my own investigating (wtf??)
Had more arguments with other cyclists on their mopeds fitted with lighthouses talking about 'we drive on left' while we are on a pavement or going wrong way on cycleways. Or dinging peds on a pavement. The excuse of 'thats a roubdabout I cant go on there" doesnt wash.
All the bright lights make it very dangerous too,windshields have anti glare. Its insane. Foglights are never needed.
Yes I have lights and reflective gear, Im fixing up my brighg white bike now too.
Doubt anything will change.I know this is extremely elitist but I hate how shit people have given reasons for more hate towards the decent guy on a bike. Yes, me.
Sorry I dont mean to vent but Im at the end of my rag, there was a really bad accident this week in Leeds and considering my recent run it really hit home.
I got the bus today.
Probably my very clumsy syntax but my google fu is lacking on this one.
If I make a complaint to an ombudsman, in whatever sector, do they have the power to listen to any phone calls made?
It would help me if they could, Im not calling them out lol. Just not sure of their, er, jurisdiction?