IMDB have scraped the 'about our staff' page on the website of the organisation I work for and created entries for us all, using the photo and including the bio from the website. Which I'm not exactly happy about. Looking online it seems like it's pretty much impossible to get this removed as they seem to have some hardcore views on retaining this info. For example - it is our policy not to alter or delete any kind of correct/factual information or credit from our records, no matter how obscure or trivial.
and - If you try to delete an item of data which is accurate, your delete will not be processed. Please be aware that attempts to delete accurate data will count against your overall accuracy rating and may result in all your submissions taking longer to process along with additional proof requirements.
There must be somewhere that I can make a request for my image to be removed as I've not consented in any way to it being on there. Outside of GDPR though I assume so imagine there's just nothing that can be done? -
The Lucky Anchor on Deptford Highstreet is a welcome addition to the area. And there’s now quite a hefty cask crawl to be had consisting of Dog and Bell, Jam Circus, Lucky Anchor, Royal Albert, Shirker’s Rest. You could do it the other way but then you miss out on the escalation option of Marquis Of Granby onto Amersham/New Cross Inn/Planet Wax depending on the musical preferences for the night.
I've never used these but the 'useful links' on the FuzzDog site is some forums that might help with some info:
https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/ -
‘Overheard on the Megabus from Bristol to Bang Face’