Just for balance and to reiterate that really the only thing to do is figure out which works best for you, I have switched back to citirizine after trying fexofenadine for about 6 weeks. I've been struggling with low mood for the past year or so and belatedly realised that a real escalation in depression symptoms had coincided with allevia. Back to citirizine and symptoms and mood are much improved.
The thing I'd urge people to try is mometasone furoate, branded as clarinaze and available over the counter in larger bootses. It doesn't seem to be as popular as the two main nasal treatments but really made a significant difference for me.
Certainly sounds like it might be quite a bad situation in (some) european countries. In the UK I honestly think £6.99 a month for discovery+ with no minimum subscription is incredible value for the amount of cycling content you get (plus all the other sports they do if you're into it). It's just not quite as unsustainably good value as it used to be.
Great, thanks for your help - also @MCamb @gbj_tester
Looks like Syracuse - lovely spot but I don't remember any particularly bike friendly routes into town!