I honestly don't think dicks behind The Reform Party are that interested in getting many seats or in Reform becoming a proper political party. It's run by self-exhiled Tories who have discovered they have more power over the party from outside than they ever would have had from within. ...Brexit, Johnson, the Rwanda bullshit, wouldn't have happened without these bellends running a psych-ops campaign on the tories.
2025 prediction: Farage tries to take control of the ashes of the Tory Party with a plan to turn it into Trump style cult.
Move along. This case is closed. Hesker's issued a clarification:
“For me, racism is a hatred and a fear of the other. For me, it is exactly the same as homophobia - it’s not limited to the colour of your skin, it is not limited to religion, it can just be the country next door. It can be northerners and southerners, which we have here.
I can confirm that this is an accurate reflection of my view that hatred of others based on race, religion, gender, sexuality or geography is odious and disgusting and that racism - in particular - is a poison that has no place in public life."
Hard to say as I was measuring the temp using the strips at the front of the GH before, and I'm measuring at the back with the digital now.
Before, if I pulled a shot around 75-80 on the strips by the time I went to pull another the temp would be into the 90s. Now, after I pull, the GH temp will gently decrease and is pretty back to temp by the time I'm ready.
Mines a pre-mil, from what I read the Isolators make less of difference on post-mils. -
@Goyt: should be a link here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175393073275?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=n2F4locSTKG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=rLu3GA3cRRy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Happy with it so far. The GH temp is definitely more manageable. It's possible to do back to back shots without having to turn the machine off or reach for the bowl of cold water. It's a DIY produced kit, so a collection of bits and pieces compared to the machine made Bong Isolator, but it's cheaper and less visible once fitted (especially, when I've taken a marker too it). Took about a week to arrive and 15 minutes to fit it along with the thermometer.
Thanks! Yep, I got a bottomless, 20g basket and a puck screen too. Puck screen improved things a lot and the bottomless means I can just squeeze scales under. Plus, it looks cool.
GH Thermometer is great. Really easy to read and doesn't spoil the visual vibes like the temp strip do. I accidentally/slightly drunkenly bought the version that has interchangeable wire allowing you to switch and measure the temp inside the portafilter too (basically around 10°c or so higher).@TW . Yeah, the blue gasket is the Teflon Isolator. It (and the GH Thermometer) came for an Italian guy on ebay. Cheaper than the Bong Isolator and a bit Heath Robinson but it seems to work. I'll colour the edges with a black marker when I get a chance as the blue bugs me!
Back to last week's La Pavoni chat. Added a few mods to the Europiccola I scored from @Kalkhoff : pressure gauge, Teflon Isolator, and digital GH Thermometer. Very pleased, especially with the didge display- I went for temp strips originally but my ageing eyes could barely register the colour changes.
Parisians vote for a tank of entitlement tax:
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/04/parisians-vote-in-favour-of-tripling-parking-costs-for-suvs?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other -
Thanks. My bikes run friction shifting, so it seems like the natural choice. I'm used to levers. Plus I've brought it from @Kalkhoff so I'm hoping for 24hr customer service.
@Kalkhoff very temping. My heart says La Pavoni - whose wouldn't? My main concern is the stuff I've read about the overheating issues when trying to pull more than 2 shots. Is that a real thing? ..Oh, and getting 3rd degree burns when carelessly reaching to turn it off at the plug.
@Light_EDDed cool. my head is saying Classic would be more practical. More details, please- year, condition, any mods, price? Thanks.
Looks like I'm in the market for a new machine. Part of the portafilter holder on my dualit went flying off when I tried to make a shot this aft.
Thinking of moving into the real espresso world but in a 2nd hand style - Sage dou temp, Gaggia Classic? Rancilio? Or even a La Pavoni for the glamour? Looking to spend a couple of hundred max... -
Great picture!
Yep. She was running and rolling around in the snow like total loon once she got a bit of off the lead action.
She's 3 but tiny even for a BT. She was attacked by a pitbull cross as a pup (documented many pages back) and had to be shaved and stitched by the vet, so her double coat is like a 4 inch wide shaggy mohawk down her back. Hence the puffer.
So many other Borders up here compared to London. Borders and spaniels are to Glasgow what cockapoos and French bulldogs are to East London.
We've got one these avantree things. I've plugged it into the amps cassette imputs so it's possible to either stream stuff from my phone in receiver mode or Bluetooth audio from the amp to the radio on the kitchen. Very happy with it.
https://avantree.com/oasis-b-bluetooth-transmitter-receiver -
Its a funny one. Fork rake and the oiler on the BB suggest mid/late 50s but the campagnolo ends, I think, are later. Google R&J Quinn / Quinn Brothers Cycles Liverpool and you should be able to piece some information together.