Apparantly skinny suggested the penalty himself. This is from Juliana on FB:
Actually James Hayden who called us to let us know how dangerous the road was as he was riding it, is himself accepting (and in fact suggested) the small time penalty to reflect the massive detour and extra climbing other riders will have to do to avoid this road.
Looking at Google Maps, it seems he's completely changed his route to avoid the tiniest bit of motorway. Would it really have mattered?
I wonder why he didn't ride the little section offroad along the water to end up on the 2420 https://goo.gl/maps/BFZbPaYJQo82
It's a bug in the Trackleader website. Bit technical but when there's no elevation chart the zoom buttons on the map don't work.
works: http://trackleaders.com/transam17
doesn't work: http://trackleaders.com/tour14er17So it's not you, it's them :)
(And if you want to get really technical, you could fix it with uBlock by adding this as a filter: trackleaders.com###elecontrols )
Shame that we have the first scratch after only 12 hours:
https://twitter.com/Blackhound59 -
This is the video of Rupert interviewing Kristof: https://www.facebook.com/ReadyForNextAdventure/videos/1405314126204681/?permPage=1
I was looking for a rather large top tube bag and I bought the large one from Alpkit as I'm seeing a few ultraracers using it. https://www.alpkit.com/products/fuel-pod-large
But my legs keep rubbing against it as it is 7cm wide. Does anyone know of any top tube bags that are smaller (4cm-ish) but tall enough to create some volume? -
Not bad