Had some pretty fierce wind last night... Lots of trees down all over the place. We fared pretty well, except for the top of this one flopping down onto the neighbour's house.
Big crack low down, and it kind of twisted over. Still good though, I reckon... It'll just have to spend the rest of its life with a bit of rope holding it together.
I refer y'all to the work of brother Cornel West. Dude knows what time it is
Nice caricature. Looks more like Worzel Gummidge than me though.
Once more, the problem is the whole damn right wing. Just look at these cunts go.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/26/completely-bizarre-india-clothes-ad-taken-down-after-critics-say-urdu-use-offensive-to-hindus-fabindiaThis article in particular demonstrates the systemic nature of the problems caused by these greedy fucks: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/11/alden-global-capital-killing-americas-newspapers/620171/
Do you think whether Trump is president has any bearing on the degree of racism faced by Americans? It would appear not.
It's not more important because I say so, it's more important because classism gives us the sort of kakistocracy which legitimises and institutionalises racial bias, creating racism - which is distinct from racial bias in that it's embedded in society. That's the academic definition of racism.
Furthermore, it's also more important because these fascist fucks are steadily throwing all the enlightenment values under the bus, creating a stratified society in which reasoned debate is an endangered species thanks to the denigration of expertise and truth, where the distinction between opinion and fact is vanishing. In this climate, all collective action is paralysed while robber barons madly pursue the usual business of turning the natural world into landfill, while the temperature rises and ecosystems collapse.
How could we possibly have any time to spare, doing anything other than fighting the ruling class for our self-determination?
Ask yourself what success in the fight against racism would look like. Does the picture include the presence of those who are in a position to divide and conquer?
Do both
Given the systemic nature of the problem and its causes, I see a total lack of attention, let alone emphasis, on taking down the scum driving the world off a cliff.
Seems to me, a sense of solidarity is sorely lacking. If I pipe up with the point I'm making here in a place dominated by the sort of groupthink floating around academic circles, I'm relentlessly strawmanned as the enemy despite my hard left credentials; a Bernie Bro to be pilloried. Glad to see it's not so bad here...
Circular firing squads may well provide a nice buzz of happy neurotransmitters for those all wrapped up in the fashionable dogma, but I'm sure the enemies of humanity and the planet are happy about them too. Almost everyone has a smaller share of wealth, and more importantly, self-determination than they deserve, but we can't even make that an identity we can all share?
Oppression Olympics are a complete distraction from the main game - ending toxic hierarchy. Show me some people around here talking about that, and I'll concede we're doing both.
Like, yay BLM, but where the fuck is Occupy?
You do a good job of making it sound like a chicken and egg situation, but I'm still inclined to reiterate that racism is self-evidently a subset of classism. Doesn't that make classism the root problem?
Also, telling someone that their experience of racism is what they're stuck with until a systemic change is brought about that will likely benefit future generations as trying to educate racists is futile, seems a lot like minimising racism and letting racists off the hook for something they should be personally responsible for.
I wouldn't dream of letting racists off the hook. But if you look out the window, it might be apparent that if we give it another decade without tackling classism, the tiny-minded avarice of the neoliberal filth will soon render the whole question moot. Civilised behaviour requires a civilisation to happen in.
ignoring individual actions will also lead to the problem remaining.
Pretty sure I didn't advocate anything of the sort. I'm asserting that folks are missing the wood for the trees if individual actions are all they see, and that trying to educate individuals to behave better is largely futile while you have the kind of scum running the show who are happy to stay in power by pressing buttons in people's amygdalas.
Leaders not worthy of the name poison the culture - we all know this from experience in the workplace. A given slice of the populace considers hate legitimised.
Minimises racism.
Whilst most of what you say afterward is valid, racism and sexism etc. exist alongside it as both part of what you're on about on an institutional level and separately from it on a more individual level, both need sorting.
Although a certain degree of implicit bias is more or less hardwired, the term 'racism' refers to systemic bias (the reason reverse racism is a non sequitur), which I posit is almost entirely a legacy of divide and conquer set in place by the ruling class.
It is primarily a tool of subjugation, operating on behalf of the elite. Reducing racism to identity politics is like buying the lie that individual action is what matters in tackling the climate crisis; without any rearrangement of the system, the problem will remain.
Not to minimise racism in the slightest, but it is just a subset of classism, like sexism or 'gender criticality'; one of those foul notions that some are born to shit on others...
It's just, I don't see people talking about the identity politics that matters the most; how 99% of us are being shat on by a tiny few, who are crushing human potential, and driving our societies, not to mention our very ecosystem, off a fucking cliff while we all look at anything else but that.
I have a pretty strong feeling that tackling racism is futile until we tackle those it serves. And that lots and lots of very big problems like racism would suddenly be a whole lot smaller - the light would appear at the end of the tunnel.
But we are so very far in the dark; things are pretty screwed when crushing depression is a perfectly sane response 🤔🤢🤮
Whoah. Pretty lightly used, by the look of it