Given that watches are pretty much the epitome of miniature mechanism (this side of nanomachinery), can anyone tell me why the Swatch Skin (and Skin Chrono) is the exception proving the rule that nobody thinks more miniaturisation is better?
I find the ubiquity of chunky watches quite puzzling - watch companies can fire all the engineers and hire all the marketers they want, but that doesn't alter the size of anyone's cuffs. What gives?
There are folks who'll tell you it's impossible to be racist against wypipo... (I half agree, but no longer hang out with such doctrinaire raving loony academics who actually provide some substance to the execrable cry of political correctness gone mad; for supposed intellectuals they seem quite blind to nuance)
Oh they are properly fucked. That the Dems haven't taken their chance to stack the SC with more judges tells you they're not in the game.
Manchin and Sinema are just the tip of the infiltration iceberg - the mainstream of the Dems is more or less what the GOP was twenty years ago; orthodox deadshits without a clue; deers in the headlights.
AOC is an avenging angel, but she and her crew are just too little, too late. You can't build a bilge pump that big, that fast.
Biggest plus for Albo is he was a housing commission kid - aside from that mere fact shoving it up the born to rule brigade, it demonstrates some degree of meritocracy, and, you'd hope, should make for a leader on the other end of the spectrum from out of touch.
And here's hoping all that small target shit is just to get em past the post, and they actually bust out some proper social democratic policy instead of all that craven neoliberal bullshit like voting along with this vile government on goddamn tax cuts for the rich FFS. I know they're probably at least half as corrupt as the scum, but not sure how much they're running scared from Rupert.
Of course, they're filth next to the Greens, but at least good people can get ahead in Labor... unlike the coalition; just ask Michael Towke.
Of course I didn't actually presume to say what you meant; I was trying to have a laugh by substituting one Yankism for another, but never mind >_>