I've found a spare rear track hub, as in the picture you showed in your first post. It is complete with the two little pins and the lockring. It also has a genuine Campag lockring as well. As I'm sure you are aware, these are extremely hard to find, so I don't really know how much to ask for it. I'm thinking £400 including postage to Italy. Is that unreasonable?
I've just found two 3G hubs, but they are both rear road hubs. I've got 4 pairs of 3G wheels, all with hubs in, so I think the spare track hubs are probably in one of the wheel bags. It may take me a while to find them as my garage is full of bikes, wheels and spares. I'll have another look tomorrow and get back to you.
Aren't we lucky to be able to get discounted prices on this World Cup. I've just checked out the prices. For the best seats for all 6 sessions in London it is only going to cost £549 for two people! We are going to Apeldoorn on Tuesday for the World Championships - 10 sessions, best seats, two people for £196 - a difference of £350, and we are going to a better event. What a rip off London is!
just the axle?