So my other arf has washed my Hi viz jersey without my consent along with some of her shit, it's now covered in dark smears. I've tried soaking in vanish plus a wash cycle with vanish, no luck, any ideas? Time to replace?? (g/f I mean)
Shite haha. Btw in my defense of sounding like a complete dumb cunt I have other sports socks marked left/right due to compression patterns or some such bollox so assumed Rapha would do the same.
My PT socks have been out on four rides and they are not holding up too well, not that impressed durability wise actually. Plus they have L marked on both?
Is anybody close to Rapha central control on here able to tell me if there are any plans to bring out the 3/4 messenger shorts again? I live in mine from Apr to Oct. Getting a bit threadbare.
+1 Core bibs fit me perfect but will shift the jersey, too baggy in the body for me. Sharp look in Core Bibs + PT jersey (in black so not to highlight man-tits)
Leek is lower alt. to where I was. Top of Cat & Fiddle @ 5.30pm was pretty grim, rain/stiff wind. Can't say I was overheating to the point of discomfort in it. Everyone is different I guess. Anyway what was I saying? oh yea I need more Rapha!
Today was a hardshell day for a grim weather ride in the Peak District. It's the only jacket that could have coped and performed exceptionally. Such a shame it has been discontinued.
Any spare for me too, old gold jersey has my name on it.