Righty ho, I picked up my new (ex-demo) Steamroller from my LBS this morning.
I was pretty nervous about riding fixed for the first time but my worries came to nothing, jumped straight on it and after a few laps of the car park I was off to work (10km).
Here are a few pics, and spec is:
2015 Steamroller Frame (53cm)
BLB Mosquito Saddle
BLB Seatpost
BLB 165mm Cranks
Crank Brothers Candy 1 Pedals
46x18 Gearing
H Plus Son Archetype laced to Novatech Rear Hub
38mm Carbon Rim laced to a Hope RS Mono Front Hub.
Specialized XC Upsweep Bars
Miche Front Brake Calliper
23mm Vittoria Rubino Front and RearThis bike makes me grin more than any other bike I've ridden. It's not super fast or crazy light, but it is completely fucking brilliant.
I am really looking to ride fixed as opposed to SS, partly out of curiosity and partly to improve my technique for riding in the summer on a 'normal' geared bike.
Reading between the lines it seems much like riding clipless for the first time; you will fall over at traffic lights at least once, and you will have moments where you forget you're clipped in and try to pull your feet off, but once your brain understands that your feet are in without you having to remind it then you're good and you struggle to remember what it was like in flats.
The back brake is potentially a good idea, I'll try to practise a bit first before trying any big descents and see how it goes.
I'll post some pics when I pick the bike up next week - after all, this is the Steamroller owner's thread!
@853Superfly thanks for the advice! It's a long hill up to the office (3km flat and 5km 5-10%) and the same in reverse home. I'm thinking start the descent really slow and get used to the feeling of resistance and build up the speed over a few weeks/months.
Thanks @edscoble, I'm a fairly seasoned roadie so will be clipping into the new bike (I use Crankbrothers pedals/cleats) and the Surly is going to be my winter trainer/commuter, although I suspect it might be my daily driver through the summer too! It's coming with just the front brake but the LBS have offered to fit a rear brake and SS on the flip flop if I want.
I'm 5ft 6in and ride a 53 with riser bars and it's absolutely fine, if I slammed the stem and rode with drops I'd be able to replicate a similar position to my 52 road bike and more aggressive than my 52 CX bike.