Just caught to with the official videos from last night, basically confirms what that dude says about mike, some health and bike problems. Also said he's running a standard double with a 25 cassette,I get that given the terrain they just covered but is that not a bold move for the terrain to come? Or is he just massively strong? Or thought he'd be leading and able to forfeit some time in the hills?
Yeh I'm following him, cracking human. Can't believe how he appears to be going backwards but only because the front are opening up so much, feels days ago Kristoff was at the nullabor. Shame rhino isn't with him more, guys hilarious.
Seems a non race but fun way he's doing it as in a little group now and sharing rooms together
Lol, not sure you should make #meatrider a thing though...
Not good for mike if true
Durianrider looking at Franks bike at 4.04
I was wondering about coverage, how much they like every man and his dog filming them for YouTube and how much they just want to be left alone. Enjoying cycling mavens updates from the road but the main guy posting on Facebook for indypac seems proper intrusive and insensitive to the riders at times
from the facebook page
We have been notified by Donncha Cuttriss that he has retired from the race due to safety concerns arising from fatigue. He is ok. He wishes to thank everyone for their support and he'll be at Trans Am June 3. #IPWR
Do people use things like modafinil in these kind of events?