Few more added in, just plotting @Polka_Dot 's ride now.
I think that as long as you keep away from lochsides in certain areas you'll be fine. Usually I'd say you'll likely not be bothered by any enforcement, but with restrictions lifting they may be out checking. They've had to go and paint double yellows in some places to stop idiots parking up all the roads because the car park is full. The area around the Dukes Pass, Loch Achry/Loch Venechar is pretty heavy with restrictions that go further away from the shore too.
Pulled my finger out and started getting all of these into one location. Using RideWithGPS collections at the moment. You should be able to get gpx files for free, might need an account:
Keep em coming and I'll keep adding. I can't see Strava activities but I can see Strava routes.
I got a decent ride in at the weekend out over the Dukes and back via Callander, Kippen, Crow and Bishopbriggs. Nice to get some elevation in the legs but I still don't eat enough while out riding. Also should have ridden on Sunday instead of Saturday, conditions were pretty poor and I probably didn't dress as warmly as I should have.
Planning a double/triple Tak Crow this weekend if the weather holds.
I hadn't heard about these. I've followed the data fairly closely and, even before any distancing was introduced, it seems outdoor events have very limited effect on infection rates. As the R number goes up this could change, but if people are being sensible then it's probably not going to cause any problems. It's why I'm never going to report or moan about a group of cyclists I see out, I'll just say that it's happening. I see much bigger groups of people stood round in the park every day.
I agree though, the look of it isn't good and it's definitely picking loopholes. I also think that sentence about stretching things out is nonsense too. Opening venues before the infection was well under control is what kick-started us towards this current lockdown. Now vaccination is underway it seems stupid to rush things through and possibly end up in another lockdown. I reckon it's probably born out of enormous worry and frustration.
Like you, I have massive sympathy for the people currently out of work and facing the loss of their jobs. The government should be paying people's wages and making sure venues aren't plunged into debt (and so should the venue owners because that's exactly how Capitalism is meant to work. you can't reap the benefits and then demand someone else solves the issue when something bad happens). Everything they say the event is about can be done either solo/small groups, for exercise, or in a distanced manner, for keeping in touch with each other. We've probably all got used to video chats etc. by now.
Assuming everything stays the same, yes, clubs will have to organise activities with a COVID coordinator and all names and numbers need to be logged for, I think, 21 days. That's how we were running Glasgow Wheelers rides and Lomond Roads were doing rides before they completely stopped. We were supposed to distance on the roads as best we could, so I used to do Wheelers rides in the lanes making it easier, but lots of clubs just went back to normal riding with limited numbers and the rules allow for that.
I reckon chaingangs will start up very quickly, particularly the ones that aren't really club-affiliated like the Bundy. I think the Southside bunch might start up for those in the know as they're VC associated and won't want people having a go at them. Similar with the EK bunch. I saw a few groups from clubs out in the lanes last weekend as well, so group riding is happening at the moment and they were in club kit so not difficult to know who they were.
My biggest issue with it is that if you're not in a BC club and just ride with mates, you can start cycling again in level 3, but if you are in a BC club there's pressure to adhere to BC rules. It's not been well thought out and SC have said they're in communication with the Government around this, so really it's on them to make sure their rules either align with the government rules or there's a clear explanation as to where their rules apply and don't apply. It puts people in a difficult position as none of us want to be seen as just ignoring the rules.
I'm with you and @M_V on this (and probably sound like a broken record!), a small bunch of us riding once outdoor activity is allowed seems perfectly fine to me, as long as we're all sensible and don't turn up feeling ill/let each other know if we do get sick etc. That's in compliance with the Government rules as they are at the moment.
From the government documents there's no indication is should be from what I can see. The problem is everyone is assuming that the government means individual cycling and group cycling has to follow the regulations set out by SC, but that's not stated anywhere. Arguably SC regulates club rides and racing, so it's possible the government thinks SC are regulating racing, not just general riding, or they do think everyone should follow SC guidance. I don't want to be one of those people who's trying to pick holes to allow me to do what I want, but it's all a bit confusing, especially as the SC regulations essentially says only paid up clubs can ride as groups for the foreseeable future.
Thanks, looks good. I'm down for the Torvelo Zwift APR at the weekend but might get outside instead as the weather looks ok again.
Based on the current SC rules and announcements it's looking like end of April for groups of 7 with a COVID co-ordinator involved (basically only BC registered clubs allowed to ride together...). This is where it all gets a bit difficult, because club group riding is permitted long before non-club group riding and all non-contact sport will likely return before non-club group riding is supposed to happen.
The way SC have been following the rules for contact sport with their guidance I wouldn't put too much faith in group riding being back before April, but we can hope.
Got a route? Burntshields Road is the one I know out of Johnstone towards Lochwinnoch, sounds like you were going the other way though.
Hi, I'm in Shawlands so happy to provide a load of routes out into the lanes. Fair warning, they can get really icy and it's very hard to predict based on roads around here. I've been out when there's nothing in Shawlands and the lanes have been a deathtrap, so it's worth knowing the main roads in the area so you can either get back fine or get a decent ride in that way.
The GU rides will stay shut down, probably until after Easter based on what I'm hearing (I work at GU) and even then I'm not sure what attendance will be like as students may not be returning in full until next year.
For washing bikes I have a pump-operated pressure washer. It's a pain carrying things from a second floor flat to the back court, but it works and means I don't have to subject things to pressure washers too often.
I'd be up for an occasional easy Sunday ride every now and then, depending on pace. I can bring gears or my fixed gear.
Yeah, I think I know the bit. Lochcraig Road which connects Murshield to Bonnyton is also pretty grassy/muddy, but a great section. I still need to see if you can connect straight to the Moor Road there or head back to the Kingswell (road to nowhere). Satellite seems to say you can get to Kingswell, maybe not the Moor road over Ballageich Hill. Spring needs to hurry up! Or at least a weekend with decent weather.
This is the one Cozey did, I did it on a fixed gear (47/17) with 32mm slick GKs and mudguards:
This was planned for this weekend but didn't happen due to a baby who decided sleep is for the weak. A pal rode it though and it was good, bit more of the lanes in it:
This is one @M_V came up with which includes some gravel/off-road on the way out to the windfarm. For this I'd recommend tyres with some grip, there's some muddy/grassy sections that might be a little too much for slicks. Again, all ridden on 47/17 but 37mm WTB Riddlers. Could be modified to take in the Kingswell Road around Drumboy Hill as a little detour off the 77 on the last drag home:
Currently working on a Kilpatricks ride, a Southside parks/Cathkin ride and another couple of mixed lanes/gravel on the Southside but I need to get out and ride some of the sections I'm looking at.
Yeah, it's great. Weather looking good for Glasgow Fair riding too.