Who's up for riding tomorrow evening ? Weather looks good, perfect evening for some laughs, miles and a beer or two
I've got in mind a social 25 miles, with planned and educational stops, in nice rural locations. Very mixed surfaces. I don't care what bike you ride, I'll be on a fixed wheel with 32mm rubber and flat bars, running 46x19, and I've ridden almost all of it on this set up on the recces.
Planning on meeting somewhere southside (Langside Hall probs) for around 7ish. Let me below know if you fancy it. Finer details tomorrow
Just spoke to the main man on the phone, and he was very personable.
"What colours do you have?" I asked.
"What colour is it you want?"
"Dark/Forest Green if possible."
"Sure we can sort something out"Pretty obvious to say, but they expect the frame stripped down and free from oil and grease, if they have to degrease it themselves then they charge extra. Heading up there in a bit.
I will of course report back on the rest of the process and pricing, and pictures too.
@TotalShanner Here's a picture of the Genesis IO I had powder coated about two years ago. The process of colour selection was something like this:
"What colour do you want it?"
"A sort of green, khaki colour?"
-geezer goes and rummages around and comes out with some object that had been powder coated
"Like this?"
"Yes, that's close enough."
I wouldn't go expecting too much in terms of choice, I think their 'bread and butter' is more pedestrian powder coating jobs, you know, car parts, boxes, basic metal parts etc. You could always do the sparkle yourself with some Spraybike sparkle top coat.
Anyway, I was pleased with it, and @M_V assembled it, so perhaps he comment about how clean the threads were etc -
@TotalShanner I'll be dropping a frame with ESP this week and collecting it probably week after next, shall I report back ?
Rolling out from Battlefield Rest tonight at 7pm. @M_V will guide us out through Cambuslang, up the green lane Turnlaw Road, then left at the top towards High Blantyre, at which point we head south and east, taking in the villages of Glassford, Chapelton, Stonehouse and Sandford. After taking the Roman Road near Sandford, we will then turn our route and thoughts homeward through Strathaven and the undulating lanes to Eaglesham, Clarkston, then hopefully we'll just catch the offy for a malted recovery beverage somewhere. Here's my bit of the route so far: https://www.strava.com/routes/2724894918310310064
Ok so here's this evening's route:
Two riders will be leaving Langside Hall at 1845, grabbing @M_V on the way up the A77, and then myself approximately 10 minutes later at Eastwood Toll. Most of us will be fixed gear, please take the time to read the first post on this thread as it succinctly sums up the aims and vibe of this ride. Please comment here if you are attending so other riders know whether to wait for you! @cozey @French_Touch
Informal race based on an excellent but simple concept. All bikes and riders welcome.
Sign on at Drygate on 11th June 2017 at 1900
Riders! Racers! Troops!
We're amassing a healthy looking pool of prizes courtesy of our friends Drygate, SF brand, Mechanical Vandal and Corner Bikes.
There are many different categories of winners, it's not necessarily just raw speed, so get involved, come along and race!
The countdown continues…
http://www.cornerbikes.co.uk -
Shamelessly copied:
Let's try this again, Meet West at 7pm, ride up through Rutherglen and to Cathkin, whip skidding our way back down to either Shawlands or the city centre/west end.
There's a super marché in Burnside so some beers can be bought en route and consumed once up at Cathkin if that's what people fancy.
Quite a hilly route this time so please remember that the ride will be at the slowest rider's pace. -
I visit Salford, I have family there, it has a bad rep, but to be honest I've always felt welcome there. Recently has seen a large influx of Orthodox Jews, which has altered the character of the area massively. Sorry if that sounds UKIPpy, I don't mean it like that at all.
Also have a mate in Stockport, which he doesn't mind, says it's a bit better value.
Planning on riding out tomorrow, I've started a post to attract attention