Your trying to contradict, I'm just leaving a healthy discussion open, if you don't feel up to sourcing examples to show me that my valuation of unused product is 40% of what it retails for then why bother getting involved. Your not as quick to say my reasoning is fair as you are to jump on the band wagon. 600 for that groupset is a fair price point. At this stage to lower the price, I would need serious examples and to he honest with the cranks never even mounted i wouldn't be going any less, i will actually donate to the forum if you can come up with exactly why the groupset should be less than 600. I'll donate 20 quid and if you cant then you donate 20 quid??? I'll start a new thread if your up for it?
No their not as that type of behaviour in the market would destabilise it, you will find across the board with every brand as seasons pass that the only thing that will devalue stock is time and the release of newer versions in order to drive the market, however, if the fame price did not reflect the respective value of the components in its current market then it would be literally ....... fucked, your basically saying a frame that costs 3 grand is 3 grand when its alone and with 3 grands worth of components, its 4 grand. You'll find when the market takes that type of behaviour, both frame and components have devalued equally due to the new direction of the market.
They are sold at even less, current tly wiggle have the mechanical version for like 900, I know that the hydraulic ones are more expensive. Like current tly online I can only find brake lever and brake front and rear for 600 retail, I have that wifli yaw front and rear derailleurs, crankset and cassette included in the price, I've well seen used dura ace groupsets mechanical 22 speeds well used going for 600 here. True or not true. How do you think the price is unfair?
Easy to be confused, let's say your def exaggerating and I was merely trying to subtlety tell you to respect the boundaries of others whilst you liberally throw around words like crack head, you have no idea what some people may have been touched with in their life and I was simply trying g to identify with you that if you couldn't address whatever issues you have going on from your current status in life or indeed earlier childhood pathological behaviour that was not ridiculed that was leading to an over exaggeration "massively over priced"of a current listing of 1300 with other examples foing for 1100 used and less specd then we know your just getting agitated and trying to shit on the thread, if you cant talk then just leave.
Don't judge or condemn. A little high every now and then is good for the soul..... okay a price edit will be 1300 with spare cranks but no saddle. I know I like the build but any less that would prob cost money to me and do we think its worth 15% more than another build with all higher spec components and unused....? FYI, calling me a crack head is fun and I respect that but respect t the boundaries also and it's very close to them. That's just my general perspective however obscure you think it is, you still need to respect people in the forum and in threads and if you cannot do so then remove yourself from the thread.
Thank you for the advice I'm simply debating, I think my points are valid, and if we did what everyone else thought was right then life wouldn't exactly be much fun. If you feel there is an argument maybe the thread is not for you. The build spec is not the same, however, your colorscheme and size seems to be more attractive, I'm trying to determine that because everything in my build has custom parts and literally better spec on every component is worth an extra 400, there is a saddle that cost me 145.*keypad
But I have it priced at 700 with 2 cranks. Sram red cranks still in the box. In my opinion, they are a steal, like if it was a demo groupset I would say it's different, a mounted groupset if it was unused and returned to a distributor or retail would be redistributed as new stock as long as the packaging was okay, considering I've been transparent about the whole thing and expected people of the industry to share the same perspective that the groupset would be "new". Its kinda like saying oh I'm not paying for the bike because its second hand and your definition of second hand is because it's on the bike.... just for arguments sake, let's say you walked into any bicycle retailer and told them I want 40% off the frame and groupset because you've mounted the groupset to the frame...?
Like in my mind I still say the groupset is new even though it's on a frame, so that was my reasoning f8r calling it new, even though I was calling it new I was still only looking for 700 and considering 2 cranks comes with it makes it even cheaper, I mean I cant be that far out like everyone is acting.... I feel there is a little bandwagon action going on here.... #backup 😂 @spotter read all the thread responses
Clearly if the chap is saying the spec is better and the colour scheme he doesn't like .... have you seen what spec is on the other bike and his preference is a different colour. I just want an objective perspective. When someone is saying that the same model with generic wheels mixed used groupset and used frame is asking 1100 surely an extra 400 is justified. It just doesn't make sense to sell it at the same price when everything is new/unused, complete with 2 cranks, that saddle, frame impeccable. I mean if you clarify what it is your trying to say about the price providing you can take these elements into your perspective then I would be stoked.
The silver wheels are beautiful, I think black rims with silver brake tracks are horrible, they look shabby, no offence to other forum taste, I simple wanted a rim that the contrast of the brake track and rim were close and I know the guy in velocity so he said he would do it for me. Everyone likes when someone does something custom.
I had exposure and the pleasure of working in an east London distribution company, and 2 notorious east London vintage shops and just be happy that I'm being honest as I've seen alot worse being called NOS, I offer full clarity for you to decide what is and what's not. I'm not hiding anything, and I know its struggling to be a classic but it's still a cool frame, all the oversized tubing, mix of carbon and aluminium. I just loved it.
Exactly so if they sell them at 40% off it's almost a loss, generally there would be 35-40% markup outside of VAT.