Bit of advise needed. My skandi style 70s built house is bloody freezing.
The coldest room in the house by far is our bedroom. Largely because there is no insulation under part of the floor, where the house overhangs our decking. See pictures.
I was thinking of taking off the panelling, lining the underside with insulation foil roll then backfilling with rockwool and putting the panelling back up.
Am i missing something here? An I going to screw up the ventilation or something?
Was scratching my head trying to fix my tracker last night. After much trial amd error with other cars, motors, escs and radios. I realised the issue is actually in the reviever.
It's a 6 channel reciever and with everything plugged in where it should be, I was getting no drive.
If I switched channel 1 and 2 around I had drive.
If I just plugged the esc into either channel 1 or 2 I had drive.
As soon as I put servo into channel one and esc into channel 2, I get nothing. I assume something is loose? Or the plugs are interfering with each other somehow.
Il order a new receiver and see if that works.