I've also been asking black cab drivers what they thought of the new lane.
One told me "it's alright now it's finished", but another said: "Boris Johnson has done more damage to London than the Luftwaffe".
Fridays commute home after head wind morning was hitting a drain cover and getting a flat back tyre a quarter of the way into my ride. Had to be out for dinner at a certain time so jumped in a black cab who laughed as he hadn't picked up a bike before. Luckily no traffic so wasnt to late and didn't cost a future. Fixed Flat tyre on Sat. Sunday realised that my front was flat as well. Cunty.
This morning. fucking glooorious! Easesd back on the speed and cruised along in the sun and getting to work and seeing all the gumball cars parked outside the office. As cool as the Porsche 918 is I am a sucker for a lambo Aventador!
The cold air while still having a chesty cough was not that fun this morning. Seemed to be a few more bikes that usually from Old St all the way to Oxford circus. Although the people on boris bikes that need push in to go right to the front of the lights is a bit annoying when you just have to cycle round them within seconds. I shouldn't complain as I missed the weather yesterday.
I worked in the transport industry for a few years and saw and heard of some nasty stuff.
Winds me up no end when I give one room and people push past me left right and centre to make the gap when you really don't need to. (Do you reallllllly need to get to work that bad?)
The fact I have been in a car vs truck accident and came of very worse for wear also means I am probably more cautious than most.
So many Boris bikes cutting in front and running red lights!
As much as a summer dress must be nice and light aren't woman scared it will get caught in the wheel or chain etc? I get worried if my shoe lace is loose let alone untied!